Page 58 of The Warlock's Trial

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“I wish to follow the Goddess,” Samantha said. “I’m just struggling to understand all of this. We used to be able to marry within our Cast, but members of Miriam’s Chosen aren’t allowed to do that anymore.”

“Times are changing, but the Goddess will always protect us,” Miss Leanne said. “Mother Miriam has provided the priestesses with revelation that will restore our magic and lead us into a new age. The priestesses will protect us and never lead us astray.”

Samantha shifted uncomfortably. “Some people say Mother Miriam is punishing us by taking away our magic, and that Miriam’s Chosen is her plan to bring it to an end and lead us to salvation. But why would she cause suffering if we were already devoted to her?”

“The Waning is a test of our faith,” Miss Leanne answered. “Many of us have lost our way, and Miriam’s Chosen is the path that leads back to our Goddess.”

“But those who join Miriam’s Chosen are still affected by the Waning,” Samantha pointed out.

“Mother Miriam will continue to test our faith, to ensure we are true believers. When we declare our devotion to the Goddess, she bestows her love upon us in ways we can’t understand before undergoing this spiritual transition. It is through a simple ritual of prayer and marking ourselves with the Chosen tattoo that we become closer to our goddess, for those who are closest to her will receive answers. Miriam’s Chosen will bring us together as one. We are not just a coven, but a family.”

Samantha dropped her gaze. “I could really use a family. I feel like I’ve always struggled to find where I belong, and I think Miriam’s Chosen could be it.”

Miss Leanne gave Samantha a kind smile. “When you are ready, we will pray with you, and you will receive the mark of the Chosen. Pray, my dear, and the Goddess will show you the way.”

Samantha pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. “Thank you for the information. I’ll be praying to the Goddess about my decision.”

Samantha turned away from the booth and started toward another that was looking for volunteers to do work around the community. It was obvious the priestesses were trying to get free labor out of these people.

It broke my heart to hear Samantha’s confession, because I hadn’t realized how alone she felt. I recalled that she’d tried out for the dance team one year and didn’t make it, then shortly after, she’d become addicted to nightshade and had to go into therapy after battling with the withdrawals. I realized now she was pressured into drugs because she’d been trying to make friends and find where she belonged. It didn’t work then, and I feared she’d join Miriam’s Chosen for the same reason. She’d only get hurt all over again.

I couldn’t let that happen. I stepped toward her, but Nadine caught my arm. “Lucas, we can’t interfere,” she protested. “We came to rescue Mandy and Tate, and if we’re caught before we get to them, we put them in even more danger.”

“We came to rescue our friends,” I emphasized. “I may not be able to get Samantha out of Octavia Falls, but I can’t stand around and do nothing. I have to speak up, even if she doesn’t remember.”

I hurried in front of Samantha, and her eyes grew wide in shock when she saw me. I didn’t give her a chance to react before I began speaking in a low voice. “You won’t remember seeing me here, Samantha, but I need you to know you cannot join Miriam’s Chosen. You’re smarter than this, and you know better. That’s why you asked all those questions. Your intuition is telling you that this is not the way.”

Tears beaded at the corners of her eyes, like she knew I was right but wouldn’t admit it to herself. Her voice wavered as she said, “I don’t have a choice.”

The crowd near the stage cheered loudly. The noise caught her attention, and she looked away from me. Her brow furrowed in confusion, but she shrugged it off. She’d forgotten I was standing there and didn’t remember a thing I said.

I returned to my friends, feeling hopeless. “I want to help her, but I don’t know how.”

“The best way to help her is to find the rest of the Oaken Wands and bring an end to the priestesses’ control,” Nadine said, and I knew she was right.

The cheering near the stage grew louder, and we left the vendor area to see what was going on. We hung toward the back of the crowd.

Five women in black cloaks step onto the stage. Priestess Margaret and Priestess Lilian stood in the middle, their shoulders thrown back and their noses turned up to the crowd. Claudia—the latest Seer priestess—stood beside them, along with a tall woman I didn’t recognize at first. When she turned, I realized it was Professor Hernandez, who taught Enchanting.

I’d never had much opinion on Professor Hernandez before. She was a good teacher, but I didn’t know much about her outside of class. It appeared she had taken the priestesses’ side and had stepped up to become the next Mortana priestess. I liked to think she’d joined them out of fear, but something told me otherwise.

The final priestess was Mira, who was pretending to be a Curse Breaker. Before Priestess Charlotte had fallen into the demon’s pit, she’d told us Mira was really Mortana, but she’d lied so that the priestesses could throw Nadine off the council. Rage flared in my bones just looking at her. All I could think about was the night of the trial, when Nadine and I had lain in the mud, beaten and bruised while Mira proudly announced she was a Curse Breaker.

I wanted to throw a battle orb at the stage right now and end them all, but we were surrounded. Our magic may conceal us for now, but it wouldn’t stop a spell from searing straight through us and ending our lives on the spot. We had to be careful, and I’d already risked being caught by speaking to Samantha.

Priestess Margaret gestured to a couple near the stage. “You have been chosen by the Goddess. Come. Proclaim your devotion to Mother Miriam, and join her elite children. We will speak our prayer to the Goddess, and you will be blessed with the mark of the Chosen.”

The couple stepped onto the stage, and I realized I recognized the woman. It was Monica’s sister, Meredith, who we’d met at Monica’s fake funeral. She appeared confident as she approached the center of the stage. A tall man with a beard followed beside her, and I noticed they had matching Mentalist tattoos on the backs of their hands.

Priestess Margaret placed a white shawl across the couple’s shoulders. My stomach tightened, because it reminded me all too much of the shroud we’d buried Helena in, which was meant to symbolize Mother Miriam’s skirt and the love of a mother. It was twisted of them to use such symbolism in this initiation ceremony, because it indicated the end of one life and beginning of another, whether the participants realized it or not.

Priestess Lilian handed the couple each a daffodil, then turned to the crowd. “With this shawl, we encompass these coven members with our love, and we gift them each a daffodil to symbolize a new beginning. We praise Meredith and Max’s unwavering and everlasting faith, as they join our ranks as elite members of Miriam’s Chosen!”

Cheers rang out in the crowd, and Meredith looked near tears as the coven showered her and her husband with praise.

Or, at least, I thought it was her husband, until I heard someone call out from the crowd.

“Meredith, you can’t do this!” a man shouted. “We’ve been married over fifteen years!”

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