Page 26 of The Warlock's Trial

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“Wow, Grammy,” I said. “You really went all-out.”

“I wanted to give you options,” she replied. “When you were a kid, you were a very picky eater. I remember Christmas Eve when you were seven years old, and you wouldn’t eat anything except for peppermint candy canes.”

I laughed. “That can’t be true.”

“It is!” Grammy cried. “Your mom begged me to pull off some culinary alchemy magic. I turned those mashed potatoes into peppermint candy canes—all the taste of candy but the nutrition of vegetables. You wouldn’t believe how fast you ate those up.”

“You did not!” I chuckled.

“I swear it,” Grammy promised.

“It’s true,” Verla added. “I remember your mother telling me about it.”

Grammy kept telling stories about my childhood, and everyone was laughing. They all seemed to be having a really good time, and I couldn’t remember the last time I laughed this much.

Even the cats seemed to be in good spirits. They ate, then started chasing each other around the patio.

I was stuffed by the time Grammy finally stood and said, “Well, these plates aren’t going to clean themselves.”

“I don’t know about you, but mine has no problems,” Chloe joked as her plate rose into the air. She used her telekinesis to open the patio door and float her plate inside.

“Then you can help me wash the dishes,” Grammy suggested.

Everyone helped clean up, and within a few minutes, the dishes were clean and the table was washed down. We gathered in the living room, where a warm fire flickered in the fireplace.

Chloe stood in front of everyone with a stack of papers in her hands. “Helena has given us the run-down of Nadine’s childhood, but this wouldn’t be a bridal shower if we left the groom out of it. So we’re going to play some games?—”


I startled, and Isa jumped into my lap. “What the hell was that!?”

Verla waved her hand. “The boys. Jonathan warned us it might get a little loud.”

“Professor Warren is blowing stuff up?” I demanded.

Verla shrugged, like she expected this from him. “He calls it target practice.”

“We’re not going to let some boys ruin our relaxing day.” Chloe stomped over to the patio door and leaned out to shout, “HEY! WOULD YOU KEEP IT DOWN OUT THERE!?”

“Sorry!” I heard Miles shout in the distance, before another explosion went off.

Chloe rolled her eyes, then proceeded to pass out cards. It was a game that asked questions about the bride and groom, and the guests were supposed to guess the answers. I filled out my sheet with the real answers so that Chloe had an answer key.

Apparently, Chloe had filmed Lucas giving his answers beforehand, and she put the video up on the TV for us all to watch.

“Who said I love you first?” Chloe asked in the video.

“I did,” Lucas answered.

“Wait, no!” I protested. “That’s not true. I said I love you first.”

Chloe paused the video. “Now I have to hear this story.”

“It was the night of my Evoking Ceremony, after Lucas saved me from that reaper. He’s like, Why’d you do that? And I’m like, Don’t you get it, you fool? I love you.”

“That’s not the story he told me,” Chloe said. “Look.”

She played the video again, and Lucas kept talking. “It was the night of her Evoking Ceremony, after I saved her from a reaper. Right before I put her soul back in her body, I told her I loved her.”

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