Page 212 of The Warlock's Trial

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“It should be Talia,” Miles insisted. “She handled the Seer Wand well, and I could hardly take its visions. If it’s a powerful Seer you want, she’s it.”

“Miles…” Talia sighed softly. “You’re a powerful Seer, too.”

“In a different way,” he agreed. “I spent time undercover with the Executors. I know how they were taught to think. Let me work with law enforcement and come up with solutions on how to reverse the damage the Executors did.”

“Law enforcement was all on the priestesses’ side,” I pointed out. “We’re going to have to replace the entire police force.”

“Then you need me there,” Miles said. “Technically I’m a rookie, but I still completed my training course. There aren’t a lot of people left who are qualified to serve as police officers, so I need to be on the force with the few who remain.”

“Then we all have our jobs,” I stated. “Nadine, Chloe, Grant, Talia, and I will serve on the Imperium Council for one year, while Verla and Warren restore the school, Onyx can restructure the healthcare system, and Miles can get our law enforcement back up and running. And Mandy…”

I turned to her. “I can’t apologize enough for leaving you with the priestesses.”

Mandy shook her head. “It’s not your fault. Magnus played you all. I’m sure it was hard for any of you to trust me after your trial. I don’t blame you for not seeing the truth.”

“We should’ve known it wasn’t you,” I insisted.

“You don’t have to apologize,” Mandy pressed. “I broke your trust. I did what I thought was right for the coven, and it was a mistake. I should be the one apologizing. I never meant to hurt any of you, and even if you don’t trust me anymore, I hope you can trust that I truly mean that.”

“Of course,” Nadine said. “I’ve always believed that. All we ever wanted was to mend our friendship. Bad things happened, but we know you always cared.”

Mandy dropped her gaze. “I really did, and there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t regret turning you in. I didn’t understand the depth of the threat the priestesses posed, and I see now that you were doing the right thing. I hate that the priestesses used my powers to lure you to Octavia Falls, and I let them. I want to use my powers for good now. Maybe when I’ve recovered from all of this, I can study dream therapy. I don’t want to keep making mistakes. I screwed up, and I can never change that, but I hope you can find it in your hearts to forgive me.”

“Mandy, you’re already forgiven,” Nadine said softly.

Mandy sniffled. Nadine stood and rounded the table to give her a hug.

“Thank you so much,” Mandy sobbed. “It means everything to hear you say that.”

She wiped her eyes and drew away. “Thank you all for taking me in after what I did. I can’t thank you enough, but I also can’t stay here.”

“There’s a refugee city in California called Hok’evale,” I told her. “Tate’s there. I can portal you there as soon as you’re ready.”

Mandy stood. “I’m ready now.”

“Is there no one you’d like to say goodbye to first?” I asked.

Mandy shook her head. “My family fled the coven over a year ago. You’re the only people I have left to say goodbye to.”

Talia stood, and the two exchanged a tearful farewell. I opened a portal to Hok’evale, and Mandy waved before stepping through. The portal closed behind her.

Moments later, the doorbell rang.

“Are we expecting someone?” Professor Warren asked.

“It’s Hattie,” I told him. “There’s something Nadine and I need to do before we begin our work, and we asked her for help.”

I went to answer the door. Hattie stood behind it, holding a polished square stone in her hands—a plaque with words carved on it.

“Are you ready?” Hattie asked.

“Yes,” I told her. “Let me ask the others who’d like to join us.”

I returned to the dining room and explained our idea. Verla said she wished she could come along, but she had to get to the school right away to begin her work. Onyx decided to stay at home in case Professor Warren needed anything, since he wasn’t going to be up and about for a while. Miles must’ve not wanted to intrude, because he offered to clean up breakfast so we could leave right away.

Talia, Grant, and Chloe agreed to come, so I portaled us across town to the cemetery. Nadine held Marcus in her arms, and he slept soundlessly.

A small group of people gathered on the other side of the cemetery. I could swear they were shooting daggers our way the moment they noticed us.

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