Page 179 of The Warlock's Trial

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“Executors have been snooping around the safe house for months,” Mandy pointed out. “Maybe they slipped past our wards somehow and poisoned Nadine.”

“It’s got to be,” Chloe agreed. “They certainly know where we’ve been hiding, and they’ve been waiting for the right time to strike.”

Grant wiped his eyes as his sadness was replaced by anger. He cracked his knuckles. “We’re going to find whoever did this and kill them.”

Talia placed a gentle hand on his arm. “That's not important right now. We can investigate later, but the damage is done, and Lucas and Nadine need support. We need to focus on them right now.”

I didn’t want them to focus on me, because right now, Marcus needed attention most. “We weren’t sure Marcus was going to make it, either, but he’s doing well in the incubator.”

“Three pounds, six ounces,” Lucas added.

“Luana says he’s stronger than most,” Chloe told us. “His demigod powers helped heal him. She can’t usually heal a premature baby, because her powers are limited by the body’s own systems. Most preemies don’t have the strength to heal themselves. But demigods can generate their own energy, so their powers combined made him stronger. She estimates he’ll be out of the incubator in just a few weeks.”

“That’s our boy,” Lucas said proudly.

There was one thing I didn’t understand, though, and I spoke up. “I’m so happy he’s all right, but I don’t understand how a baby can have this kind of power. His powers won’t awaken until he’s older.”

“His full potential won’t be unleashed until he’s of age,” Verla confirmed. “But a demigod child like this is overflowing with power. He may discover hints of power here and there before he comes into his full power.”

I looked up to my friends. “Do you guys want to come and meet them?”

Warren and Mandy stood on one side of the bed, while Talia and Grant came around the other side, near the incubator. Talia couldn’t take her eyes off Dean, and she was trying to hold back tears.

“It’s okay,” I told her. “You can cry.”

She sniffled. “I’m just sad I never got to meet him.”

“He’s here with us,” Lucas said. “If you want to say anything, I’m sure he’ll feel it.”

“Can I sing him a lullaby?” Talia asked.

I stroked Dean’s head. “Of course.”

Everyone gathered in close, and Talia began singing a traditional Miriamic lullaby. After just a few notes, everyone else joined in.

Sweet baby, sleep quiet

Sweet baby, don’t cry

Sweet baby, just listen

To this lullaby

Sweet baby, you’re so loved

Sweet baby, you’re fine

I won’t let you go

‘Til morning light shines

I couldn’t explain the energy that filled the room when our voices came together. There were so many tears, but so much love. I kissed Dean’s soft little head again, then shuddered. He was wrapped in a blanket, but still so cold.

“What’s wrong?” Grant asked.

I pointed across the room to the top of the dresser. “Can you bring me Dean’s hat?”

A chill traveled down my spine. The meaning of my words were clear, though nobody said anything. I was certain that we could all feel that it was time to say goodbye.
