Page 162 of The Warlock's Trial

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The Waning.

I didn’t have my powers, at the worst possible time. There was nothing I could do to stop this.

I couldn’t really make sense of what to do, but I knew I had to go get help. I began crawling across the room, barely aware that I’d crawled straight through the puddle of blood. The sickness soaked into my nightgown. My limbs felt like jelly, but by some miracle, I reached the door. I touched the handle the same time my stomach clenched for a third time. Blood spewed from my lips, dripping all over my front.

I rolled away from the door, gasping for breath. It felt like the blood was seeping into my lungs. I couldn’t open my mouth without vomiting, and I couldn’t stand on two feet. I slumped against the wall, wheezing. The cats continued to yowl, but I didn’t hear anyone coming for me. I couldn’t make sense of what happened. Was this some sort of complication with the pregnancy? It certainly didn’t seem normal. I had the thought that my body was rejecting my kidney and I was going to expel it by vomiting it up. It was the silliest thing in the world, but it was the first explanation I could think of.

Please save the babies, I thought.

Footsteps neared, and Lucas burst into the room. “Nadine!” he screamed.

Tears leaked from my eyes, and I could only manage a whisper. “I—I don’t know what happened.”

He knelt beside me and grabbed the side of my face. He quickly looked me over, like he was searching for a stab wound or something. I gagged again, and blood dribbled down the side of my face. I could barely keep my eyes on him.

“HELP!” Lucas shouted down the hall, before turning back to me. “We need to get you to the hospital right now.”

A portal bloomed. He tried to pick me up, but the second he moved me, my stomach lurched. I couldn’t stand the thought of going anywhere right now. It felt like my body might fall into pieces if I moved.

“I can’t,” I rasped, but it was more like just moving my lips than making any sound.

Several people raced down the hall and entered the room. I didn’t know who it was, until I heard Onyx shouting at Lucas. “Go get Luana and bring her back. Now!”

I wanted Lucas to stay right here, but when I reached out for him, he was already gone. My hands met soft fingers, and I looked up to see Verla.

“Let’s get you into bed,” she said quickly.

Onyx and Verla carried me to the bed, and they laid me on my side with a trash can next to me. I coughed and wheezed, then doubled over and threw up again. Onyx tried to hide her concern, but I saw it clear as day.

I reached out and took her hand. “What’s happening?” I whispered.

Verla was the one to answer. “We won’t know until the doctor gets here.”

Great, I was complaining to Chloe five minutes ago about not being sick enough to be disabled. Look at me now. Tears streamed down my cheeks, because all I could think was that this was going to hurt the babies.

I heard several other people in the doorway, but I was so focused on keeping myself from vomiting that I couldn’t pay any attention to them. I closed my eyes as I repeated prayers over and over again in my mind. I didn’t want to die, but if I had to, I just wanted the babies to be okay.

A warm hand touched my forehead, and tears fell from my eyes as I opened them. Luana stood above me, beside Lucas. I hadn’t even heard her enter. Luana signed something to me. I’d been learning what I could of ASL so I could communicate with her better at my appointments, but I could only pick up fragments of conversation. One sign was very clear, though.

Help you.

Luana was going to save my life.

Chapter Nineteen


My heart raced as I watched my wife writhe on the bed. Walking in here to see blood sprayed all over the floor had terrified me beyond anything I’d felt before. I thought the priestesses had made it past our wards and come to kill Nadine and the babies. When I saw she was vomiting blood, I knew we didn’t have much time. I portaled straight into Luana’s office, and she came the second she saw the worry on my face.

Luana placed her hand on Nadine’s chest, and a white glow emanated from her palm. Nadine’s shaking body steadied, and her wheezing breath sounded clearer. I couldn’t believe how fast Luana’s healing magic worked on her.

“Lucas,” Nadine rasped, reaching out for me.

I took her hand, squeezing it desperately. Tears streamed down my face as I choked back sobs. I had to hold it together for her, because she needed me right now.

Nadine let out a sigh of relief. “I feel much better now.”

The tears I’d been holding back spilled over my lids. I’d been so terrified for her and the babies. Thank the Goddess for Luana and her healing magic. I didn’t know what we’d have done without her.

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