Page 141 of The Warlock's Trial

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He kissed me again. “Very naughty. I’ll have to take you to my lair.”

Something lightweight landed on my head, and I grabbed it to find it was one of the condoms from the wreathe Talia had gifted Miles. I turned to see Grant and Talia had returned to the living room, and they’d witnessed our make-out session.

Grant was holding the wreathe and had tossed the condom at us. “Get a room!”

Lucas took the condom from my hand. “We have one, and we won’t be needing this.”

He tossed it back.

Everyone was still laughing as we cleaned up from dinner. We gathered around the fire, where the last of our Yule logs were burning down. Everyone took a seat, except for Chloe and Talia.

“Talia and I have one more gift to give,” Chloe announced.

Everyone quieted down and focused on the girls.

“As you all know, we’ve been working on advancing our powers using the Oaken Wands,” Chloe continued. “However, we’re still limited by our own Casts’ abilities and our skill levels. Utilizing the Wands isn’t just about having power, but knowing how to use it. We’ve been looking for ways to read the priestesses’ minds, so that we can get a step ahead of them. While some Mentalists and Seers can perceive others’ thoughts, Talia and I have been struggling to do this on our own. Instead, we came up with the idea to combine our powers in a process we call teleinsight.”

Verla sat up straighter, looking intrigued. “Mind-reading is advanced magic, even for those who possess such a skill naturally. Those who do are still limited in many ways, either by requiring consent or needing to be in close proximity to the person whose mind they are reading. How does this work between the two of you?”

“We can still only perform teleinsight if we’re in the same room as someone,” Talia said. “But the more we hone this power, the more useful we think it will be. The thing about mind reading is that most witches who have this gift can only interpret certain things. We don’t know of anyone who can truly infiltrate another’s mind and hear their thoughts clearly.”

“Such a power would be difficult even for a demigod,” Verla pointed out.

“Yes,” Chloe agreed. “But we think we’ve found a way to focus our power to get much clearer with our readings. Most often, Mentalists either project their own mind to manipulate the world, which is how I perform telekinesis. Or they infiltrate the minds of others to place thoughts and ideas there. That’s why Mandy can go into other people’s dreams, and it’s why some Mentalists can control others like puppets. Extracting information is another power entirely, because not only do you have to find those thoughts, but you have to know how to read them. Thoughts can be communicated in words, images, or concepts, and interpreting those ideas is very difficult without consent of the other party. That’s where the Seer part comes in.”

“Seers hold power of perception,” Talia explained. “Members of my Cast can perceive future outcomes or witness past events through visions, but many Seers can also feel other people’s emotions or perceive their trauma, even when the subject isn’t aware of it themselves.”

“Therefore, we discovered that if I use the Mentalist Wand to infiltrate the mind, and Talia uses the Seer Wand to perceive what’s inside, together we can see what someone’s thinking. Although like Talia said, we’re still limited by distance, and we have to use the Wands together,” Chloe explained.

“We even came up with an incantation!” Talia exclaimed.

“Are you girls sure about this?” Verla asked. “Power like this will be very draining.”

“We’re sure,” Chloe stated confidently. “We’ve already tested it on Miles.”

Talia scrunched up her nose. “His head is full of dick jokes and nothing else.”

“Hey, that’s not true!” Miles protested. “I also think about food.”

“Does anyone else want to give it a shot?” Chloe asked. “The more practice we get, the better.”

Grant raised his hand. “I’ll try it.”

Chloe and Talia locked hands and lifted the Oaken Wands. They spoke in unison. “By the goddess’ light and candle fire, illuminate the information I desire.”

The girls closed their eyes and swayed on their feet, like they were in some sort of a trance. I could feel their magic swelling over the room, and it was certainly one of the strongest spells they’d cast.

“We’re in your head…” Chloe mused. “You’re thinking—Grant!”

Chloe’s eyes sprung open, and Talia blushed.

Chloe scowled. “Your thoughts are as dirty as your brother’s.”

Grant held his hands up in surrender. “Hey, you’re the one who wanted to go poking around in there.”

Chloe crossed her arms. “I didn’t want to see a mental picture of Talia’s ass, but thanks for that one.”

“Hey, I have a great ass,” Talia said with a laugh.
