Page 136 of The Warlock's Trial

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Mortimer did the same, and soon, we were all embracing Father.

“You came just in time,” I cried.

My father stroked my hair. “Of course. I would never leave you alone. I have work in the other realms. Your mother and I are building an afterlife, a place for our souls to go that is away from the fae. But you are my children, and I will be here whenever you call.”

“This was too close,” Mother said. “We have already done so much to hide our magic from the fae. We have had protection spells in place for ages, and we’ve ensured they cannot translate our grimoires. Now that they have found us, they will most certainly attack again. We must move north, find a new place to settle.”

“The fae will not find us,” my father promised. “Miriam, take the children inside and begin packing our belongings.”

My heart broke to think about abandoning the place we grew up in. It was the only home I’d ever known.

I turned to follow my mother, until my father called, “Mortimer, Alora, may I have a word?”

The others disappeared into the cottage. My father approached and took each of our hands in his.

“All of my children have inherited incredible power,” he said. “You all have your roles, but the power you two have inherited is exceptional. Mortimer, you have the power to protect this family from threats, to kill those who wish to kill you first. And Alora, you bring this family together. With your magic we can unite all our power as one. You two have the most important jobs when it comes to protecting our family. I do not make this request lightly, but it is up to both of you to protect us in times of conflict. Are you willing to take on that monumental task?”

Mortimer nodded firmly. “Yes, Father.”

“In this life and the next,” I agreed.

Father gave us a kind smile. “So shall it be.”

The vision faded, and the golden string that had been my timeline seemed to act as a rubber band, snapping me back to the present.

My eyes shot open, and my heart hammered. I pushed myself upright to see Lucas taking in ragged breaths.

“You were there,” I whispered. “Talia, Grant, and Chloe were there, too. And Mother Miriam and Santos. I recognized them like I recognize my own parents.”

“I was Mortimer,” Lucas said breathlessly.

Verla’s eyebrows shot up. “Mortimer? As in, Mother Miriam’s son?”

“We were all their kids.” Lucas sat up straighter, then dove into an explanation about what we’d seen in our vision.

Verla appeared shocked as she took this all in. “This makes sense. The five of you have become leaders in this rebellion, because you were meant to fight alongside each other from one life to the next. You must’ve chosen to come here at this time to heal the coven from this conflict. That’s why Everly’s prophecy is about you, because you made the choice to save us before you ever incarnated in this life.”

“What about the others?” I asked. “Talia, Grant, and Chloe were there, too, but Everly’s prophecy is just about Lucas and me.”

“It’s as Santos said,” Verla reminded me. “In the midst of conflict, you two have the most important job—Lucas to defend, and Nadine to bring everyone together.”

“The prophecy says our souls are bound, because we’ve already lived lives together,” Lucas realized.

“Isn’t it weird that we were brother and sister in one life, and now we’re married?” I wondered.

“It is not strange to the soul, because we differentiate one life from the next,” Verla explained.

“That was our first life,” Lucas said. “We might’ve lived other lives between then and now, but it’s clear to me that Mother Miriam and Santos created us.”

A beat passed as I took this all in. “I never quite understood why I cared so much about the coven, because I didn’t grow up here, and most of the coven doesn’t want me around, anyway. But now I get it. It’s because I’ve been here before. This will always be my home—my family.”

“It also makes sense why you are both so talented with your magic,” Verla added. “You were demigods in a past life. Your souls are very powerful.”

“A demigod, as in, children of the gods?” I asked.

“That is one definition,” Verla said. “But it is also a classification of supernatural power. There are average supernaturals, as most of the coven is. Then there are talented supernaturals—those who can handle magic beyond the average supernatural, such as the two of you. Beyond them are demigods, who are either born from the gods, or in rare cases, born from two talented supernatural parents. It’s more about their power than their origin. Demigods have power beyond anything that we can imagine. They have the ability to create and destroy worlds. They need no energy source, because they themselves can create power. They have their own limits, but there are always exceptions to these rules when the circumstances are right.”

“We can’t do anything like that,” Lucas remarked.

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