Page 29 of The Demon's Spell

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“Priestess Nadine,” someone hissed.

I nearly jumped out of my skin. I slammed on the brakes and instantly formed a battle orb in my hand. But when I looked over at the passenger seat, a woman with kind eyes stared back. She had a mess of curls piled atop her head, and Isa hopped across the middle console to jump onto her lap.

My first reaction was to fight, but a sense of calm washed over me when I looked into her eyes. Instinct told me I was safe, so I closed my fist, and the battle orb disappeared.

“I know you,” I said, trying to place her. “You own a shop downtown.”

She nodded. “I’m Everly Hall, a Seer with automatic writing powers. I wrote the prophecy you and Lucas share.”

The wording of the prophecy played in my mind.

By fire and noose

The coven will fall

Division and suffering

Destruction to all

Great power of the chosen

The coven be made whole

By the only witch of her kind

And a reaper bound to her soul

“Right, but… what are you doing in my car?” I asked.

Isa purred in her lap. Even though it was weird to find her in my car, I was certain she had good intentions.

“I’m sorry to intrude like this, but I had to talk to you in private,” she said. “The priestesses don’t know I’m here. You must act as if everything is normal.”

“Okay. You have my attention.” I placed my hands on the wheel and slowly drove down the street.

“I believe what you said about Stella at the Burning is true,” she said. “The priestesses made you lie about it in that interview with the paper, didn’t they?”

I pressed my lips together. “I’m not allowed to confirm or deny that. What makes you believe me?”

“I was supposed to be on the council next, if I lived long enough to see the Seer position open,” she said. “The priestesses called me in for a secret meeting, and we discussed what measures must be taken to facilitate peace among the coven. They wanted to force people to comply, but I disagreed. They rescinded their support for my nomination.”

My jaw tightened. “And I suppose if I nominated you, it wouldn’t matter, because they’d vote for Claudia anyway.”

“Yes,” Everly said. “I’m not here to get your nomination, Nadine. I’m here to tell you that I’m on your side. I know what your prophecy says, and I know you are meant to bring the coven together again.”

A silence stretched through the car. “Prophecies aren’t for certain, though,” I said. “Mother Miriam told me you only saw the path I was on, because it was the path I chose. The end result could change. You could get hurt by getting involved. Are you sure you’re okay with that?”

Everly held her head high. “I’m the one who relayed the prophecy. I became involved the second the spirits contacted me. Regardless of how things end, I’ll be damned if I’m on the wrong side of history. I’m not afraid of what the priestesses might do to me, but I am afraid of what they might do to you. The coven needs you to stay alive. You can’t fight this alone, Nadine. Let me help. Allow me to be the voice that goes up against them.”

“I can’t put you in danger like that,” I argued.

“We’re already in danger. All of us,” she said. “The less they target you, the better chance you have of fulfilling your prophecy. I want to do this.”

I glanced toward her once more. “How do I know I can trust you?”

“Use your intuition,” she encouraged.

I pressed my lips together as I turned down another street. “I’m still trying to figure out my intuition.”
