Page 25 of The Demon's Spell

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The woman pursed her lips. “Well, don’t keep us waiting, priestess.”

The way she spoke my title sounded like poison on her tongue.

“I believe I’m on time,” I stated confidently as I strolled over and took my seat. Isa jumped onto my lap.

The woman checked the clock on the wall and lifted her chin higher. “Yes, well, a minute longer and you’d have kept us waiting. Let’s get started.”

The way she took control of the meeting caught me off guard. “Excuse me, but who exactly are you?” I asked.

“Nadine!” Lilian scolded.

“It’s okay, priestess,” the woman assured her kindly. “Everyone else in the coven may know who I am, but Miss Evers didn’t grow up here, did she?”

I didn’t miss the way she used my last name instead of my official title. She spoke in a way that strongly implied I was an outsider, like I should be ashamed I grew up outside the coven. She was obviously trying to belittle me.

“This is Claudia Sinclair,” Priestess Margaret introduced, taking control. It was my understanding that Priestess Lilian had been on the council the longest, inducted around the same time as my grandfather. But Margaret was the oldest, and she was often the one to lead our meetings. “Claudia is the owner of Miriam’s Magical Goods. Her company is the main importer and exporter of magical goods within the coven.”

So she was rich and powerful. Got it.

“Is that what this meeting is about?” I asked. “Supernatural trade?”

Claudia threw her head back in laughter, like my question was ridiculous. “Miriam’s Magical Goods operates to the utmost standards. I assure you that my company has it handled. The priestesses don’t need to worry about trade. We’re here because you need a fifth priestess.”

She flipped her hand over, and that’s when I noticed the eye tattoo on the inside of her arm.

“You’re here to replace Stella,” I stated bluntly. The three other priestesses looked eager to have her on board already. It was obvious she’d already charmed them into a decision. She was here to get my vote.

“Well, someone must.” Claudia laughed.

“We’ll have to vote you onto the council before the induction ceremony next Halloween. Why should we consider you?” I asked.

Her eyebrow twitched, like she was shocked I’d be so bold as to ask the question. If she thought I was just going to sit back and watch this meeting take place, she was wrong. We needed good people on the council, and something about her superior attitude and utter disrespect for my position already left a bad taste in my mouth. However, I was willing to keep an open mind and give her a chance to convince me.

“For one, I have many resources, which I am willing to make available to the coven as needed,” Claudia offered.

Money. She had money.

“I have many connections,” she continued. “If anyone within the coven dares to step out of line, the priestesses will have every magical resource at their disposal to ensure that person’s magic is kept in check.”

I already saw where she was going with this, and I didn’t like it one bit.

“These resources would be donated to the coven, then?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

Claudia laughed. “Magical resources are not free, my dear. We would of course use taxpayer dollars. That’s what the money’s there for, after all.”

Yeah, and it’d go straight into her bank account. She didn’t want to be on the council for noble purposes. All she saw was dollar signs.

“What’s your gift?” I asked. “What makes you the strongest Seer, and the best fit?”

Claudia narrowed her eyes. “It is not a woman’s magic that makes her fit for the council.”

“Traditionally, the strongest woman in her Cast serves on the council, correct?” I challenged. “It ensures the coven is protected by the most powerful government. We perform many spells together, and there will be more spells to come as this conflict continues. Right now, there’s someone dangerous inside Miriam College, and whatever differences the priestesses may have with one another, I think we all want to catch him.”

I shot a glance around the meeting table. Charlotte stared down at her hands, and Lilian stiffened. Margaret held her breath.

They knew. These bitches knew what that demon had done, and they’d just let him get away with it! Ooh, this was not going to end well for them.

But they didn’t know that I knew, and perhaps I could use that to my advantage. I couldn’t accuse them of anything just yet. I had to let them keep believing I was ignorant to the demon roaming Octavia Falls.
