Page 232 of The Demon's Spell

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I was so weak and tired. All I wanted to do was cling to the side of the cliff and never let go. I didn’t think I could move. As I held my body close to the rocks, I felt the demon’s magic pulsing through the earth. I could barely conjure magic in my weakened state. I was ready to let go and fall into the pit.

Hordes of monsters reached me. Their spindly fingers curled around my legs, and the flashing lightning above our heads seemed to disappear as monsters closed in on us from all angles. They grabbed Lucas, and my heart stuttered. Lucas screamed my name. It seemed far off, like I was already falling.

I wasn’t willing to let things end this way. These monsters couldn’t have us.

Gathering all the will I had left, I siphoned what magic I could from the earth—and let it go. Defensive magic blasted outward, and monsters went flying in all directions. They hissed and screamed as they spiraled down into the pit. Gathering my strength, I created a shield below me, providing me a solid foundation to set my feet so I could climb to Lucas. He grabbed my hand and yanked me upward.

We crawled out of the pit, but my legs gave out when I tried to stand. I landed face-first in a puddle of water, which was only growing larger by the second. The rain was coming down so hard. Lucas lay beside me, like he too had lost all the fight left within him. Bruises mottled his entire body, and he looked at me like he was trying to find me but couldn’t see straight.

Above us, Chloe screamed.

“You’re a pretty one,” Leto said in his deep demon voice. “I know how you’ll serve me.”

Weakly, I lifted my head to see Leto had picked Chloe up. He clutched her in his massive demon hands and pushed her dark hair out of her face.

“Let me go, you filthy pig!” Chloe screamed, trying to struggle out of his grasp.

Leto laughed. “As you wish.”

He lumbered over the pit and held Chloe over top of it. He was going to drop her in!

“No,” I rasped as I tried to push myself upright. No one heard me over the roar of the wind. I began crawling toward Chloe, as if there was something I could do to help. There was nothing, not anymore—but I’d be damned if I didn’t fight until the very end.

My hand landed on something hard, and I looked down to see the Mentalist Wand lying beneath my palm. My heart lurched.

Chloe was a Mentalist. If the Wand would have her, she could use it!

“Chloe!” I screamed. I could barely see her through the rain, but the quick flashes of lightning lit up her silhouette. Grasping the Mentalist Wand, I drew my arm back and threw it as hard as I could.

The Wand soared through the air… and disappeared. I had no idea where it’d gone. It had vanished into the night.

The demon opened his fingers, and Chloe screeched as she went tumbling downward. My stomach twisted into tight knots as Chloe fell to her death—straight into the Abyss.

Across the cavern, Miles let out the most excruciating wail. Lightning flashed, showing him on his knees, cursing the skies as Chloe met her bitter end.

The demon whirled around, red eyes narrowed toward me. “You’re going to learn the consequences of defying me, little priestess.”

He reached down to grab me, but a voice came from behind him. “You’re not going to touch her.”

I gasped when lightning lit up the sky and I saw Chloe’s silhouette rising from the pit. It was like she was flying, using telekinetic power to move herself around. I don’t know how she’d done it. She’d lost all her magic to the Waning.

Then I noticed the glow swirling around her form. In her hand, she held the Mentalist Wand, and I realized she’d caught it as she fell. It glowed brighter as she drew Mentalist powers from the coven to the Wand.

The Wand wanted to be used; it didn’t seem to matter by whom. Chloe would use it well, and it accepted her.

Chloe landed firmly on her feet at the edge of the cavern. She pointed the Mentalist Wand at the demon and flicked her wrist. His arm jerked away from me, and I saw the horrified look on his face when he realized what had happened.

“I don’t need the Mentalist Wand to be stronger than you,” Leto sneered.

“Oh? Let’s test that theory,” Chloe shouted.

She swished the Wand, and Leto landed flat on his back. His massive form shook the ground. I scrambled backward so I wouldn’t get hit. Lucas grabbed me and curled me into his arms.

Leto aimed his gaze on Chloe, and without even moving, he flung her into the air. She caught herself using the Wand, but the ghosts Leto had been controlling surrounded her. They clawed at her, leaving long, bloody gashes all over her skin. Chloe didn’t have power over the ghosts, but she used her telekinesis to fly away from them. She landed on the ground facing the demon, then readied her Wand again.

Leto let out an angry roar. He lifted a heavy fist, then slammed it straight into the ground. The ground shook so violently, Lucas and I were tossed into the air. Lucas held me tight, and we landed in a pile of debris. I heard something snap beneath us, and Lucas cried out in pain. I looked down in horror to see Lucas’s leg was trapped in the debris. The snap I heard has been his bone!

I grabbed at broken building materials as quickly as I could to free his leg. My heart stuttered when I removed a piece of wood and found the cursed wand beneath it—the one that had possessed me. We’d left it in the study weeks ago, but Leto had blasted the mansion apart and swirled its contents around.

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