Page 212 of The Demon's Spell

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“Because a few days ago, you wanted Nadine to hang,” Lucas snarled.

“And she didn’t! That’s a good thing, isn’t it?” Jay demanded.

“You’re trying to take advantage of my fiancé!” Lucas snapped.

Margo gasped, but Jay’s expression remained impassive. He went completely silent, and I couldn’t read him at all.

After a few beats, Jay leaned forward and said, “Excuse me. What?”

“Honey, they said they’re engaged—” Margo started, but Jay cut her off.

“I heard them,” he growled. “What I don’t understand is why.”

Lucas leaned away from his father, his spine pressed against the back of the chair. He didn’t seem bothered by his wounds. I was almost certain he’d consider the pain a distraction from his dad.

“I love her. That’s why,” he stated simply.

Jay scowled. “Boy, what happened to you? You used to respect the coven. Now you’re screwing a half-witch who got kicked off the Imperium Council. Did you knock her up, too? Do you have any idea how much shame this brings upon our family?”

“You think I care about our family!?” Lucas shouted so loud I was certain the neighbors could hear. He shot to his feet, and his face became red with rage. “You might be blood, but you’re not my family. All you ever did was tell me and Eric how useless we were. You think a father does that?”

“It’s how my father did it, and I turned out just fine,” Jay sneered as he stood beside Lucas.

Jay was tall, but Lucas was at least two inches taller. His nostrils flared as he stared down at his father. “You think beating your wife and kids is fine? You’ve fucking lost it, Dad. I came here because I thought you actually felt sorry! Instead, you insult my fiancé and try to use her. I should’ve known, because you’ve always been a selfish, abusive pig. I stood by for years and let you get away with it, but not anymore. Not with Nadine. I don’t know what curse you think you have or who did it, but I’m sure you deserve it.”

Jay began shaking in rage. He was losing control of his Mentalist powers. Dishes rattled across the table, and the cupboard doors began opening and slamming by themselves.

“Don’t you dare speak to me that way!” Jay roared. “Who the hell do you think you are?”

Lucas leaned toward his father, until he was right up in his face. “I’m the guy who’s fucking done with you. I came to say goodbye, and guess what? It’s the last goodbye you’ll ever get. You can be sure as hell that I won’t return. Ever.”

Lucas turned to me. “Come on, Nadine.”

I scrambled out of my seat and hurried toward the front door. We didn’t even make it out of the kitchen before Jay screamed—just straight up screamed. There were no words, just pure rage. I shot a glance back at him, and my heart leapt as I saw the pot of clam chowder flip over, dumping hot liquid all over Margo’s lap. She screamed and leapt to her feet, but the pot didn’t slow. Jay’s telekinesis sent it spinning through the air, straight toward my face.

Lucas jumped in front of me and caught the handle of the pot mid-air. He didn’t hesitate for even a second. Lucas crossed the kitchen in two strides and swung the pot as hard as he could at his father’s face.

Jay went down hard. All at once, the rattling in the room stopped. The cupboards swung shut as Jay lay unconscious on the kitchen floor.

Lucas and I both froze, but Margo began wailing. She fell to her knees beside Jay. After quickly checking that he was still breathing, she narrowed her eyes on Lucas. “What have you done!?”

“What have I—?” Lucas gaped. “Mom, are you all right? Are you hurt?”

Lucas went to comfort her, but she pushed him away. “Of course I’m hurt!”

“Then come with us,” Lucas begged. “Mom, this is your chance to get away from him. You’ll be gone before he wakes up.”

Margo’s lips trembled, and tears streamed down her cheeks. She didn’t even contemplate Lucas’s invitation. All I saw was rage. “How could you even suggest that, after what you just did?”

“You saw what he did! He was trying to attack Nadine! He hurt you in the process!”

“You started it!” she screamed. “You know how your father gets when he’s upset!”

“That’s not my fault!” Lucas yelled. “The way Dad chooses to deal with his emotions is not your fault, either. You’re only staying because you think it’s your responsibility to clean up his messes. It’s not, Mom. You can be free of him. Please, come with us.”

Lucas reached for her again, but Margo threw her hand outward. Lucas’s shoes squeaked across the floor as she forced him back with her telekinesis.

“Don’t come near me,” she threatened. “Don’t come near me or your father ever again. I hope you meant it when you said this is your last goodbye, because if you ever think about coming around here again, I’ll turn you in to the priestesses myself.”
