Page 155 of The Demon's Spell

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“This is Santos,” I told her. “He saved you.”

Nadine gaped. “You’re… Mother Miriam’s husband? How are you here?”

“Rare magic, harnessed by the leshane ashes,” Santos said. “You can thank Hattie and Lucas. They are the ones who truly saved you.”

“This is perfect. Now that you’re here, you can banish the demon forever,” Nadine said.

Santos frowned. “I’m afraid I cannot.”

“But you’re a god!” Nadine cried. “You broke the spell on me—you can do it again!”

“The demon’s spells are a contract,” Santos said. “I can’t break contracts once consent is given, unless it is withdrawn.”

“I never gave him my consent,” Nadine insisted.

“Demons work in mischievous ways to obtain consent,” Santos said. “But contracts can be broken by either of the consenting parties. Your case was unique, because you share a piece of yourself with Lucas. He was able to break the contract you entered enough to let me in. To banish the demon from your town, you must find a way to void his contract.”

“We would if we could,” I said. “But it’s not our contract.”

“Contracts can be broken in other ways,” Santos said mysteriously.

Nadine grabbed my arm. “Of course! If Leto can trick me into giving consent, then we can trick him into breaking his contract. Then there’s nothing that can hold him here!”

She turned back to Santos. “Thank you for your help.”

Santos stood. “It has been a pleasure, but the magic keeping me here will not last.”

Nadine and I stood beside him. “Before you go, can I ask how you knew my name?” I wondered. “It’s like we’ve met before.”

Santos smiled. “You are my children. Of course I know you by name. You came here for a purpose, Lucas, and shall you fulfill your destiny, we will meet again. Until next time. Farewell.”

We bowed to our god, then he vanished.

All I could do was stare at the spot he’d been standing. Everyone in the coven got to meet Mother Miriam at least once, but I’d never known anyone to meet Santos. For him to show himself to us was incredible.

I helped Hattie to her feet. “We can’t thank you enough.”

“It is my pleasure. I am here to help,” Hattie said. “I’ll walk you to the door.”

She led us downstairs, and we started out of the shop. Hattie stopped me before I could leave, and Nadine went on ahead.

“What you and Nadine have is very special,” Hattie said in a low voice. “I can feel with my powers how much you love her, and she loves you deeply, too. You better marry that girl.”

I smiled. “I plan on it.”

I left the shop, and we drove to the hospital to meet up with our friends. They sat in the waiting room, chatting lowly and looking worried. Their chatter died abruptly, and relief fell over their faces when they saw us.

“Nadine!” Talia rushed over to give Nadine a hug.

Nadine grunted as she squeezed her tightly. “How’s Mandy?”

“In surgery,” Talia said. “The doctors say she’ll make it. What about you?”

Nadine drew away from her. “I’m all better now.”

“Thank the Goddess,” Miles said.

“Actually, we have Santos to thank,” I said. “His magic saved her.”
