Page 107 of The Demon's Spell

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Then Leto started singing—like full on belting like a Broadway performer. He wasn’t using words, just belting to the tune.

“Dear Goddess,” I sighed. What a strange man.

Leto turned up the music even louder. You’d think he was a teenager on spring break, blasting their music on a road trip.

Maybe that’s what this was to him. He was running around the coven murdering people and playing professor, having the time of his life because he’d never been set free before. It was like he was some high-school kid that had snuck out of his parents’ house for a night of pranks. How fucking pathetic.

Leto pulled up to a fast-food drive-through.

I leaned forward to check the menu. “Huh, let’s see. What would a demon order? Flaming hot wings?”

Leto leaned out the window. “I’d like a hamburger, no toppings, and a water.”

“Boring!” I cried. “At least order some French fries.”

“Make that two waters,” Leto added.

I eyed him curiously as he got his food at the window. He was being way too fucking normal, but strange at the same time. What sort of psychopath ordered nothing on his burger and no freaking French fries? Was this how he thought humans behaved? Was this some sort of fantasy of his—living life as a human? Where were bloody knives hiding in his glove compartment and posters of his victims all over his office? I was definitely expecting serial killer vibes, but this was… dull. Perhaps I’d uncover his secrets at his home.

But Leto didn’t go home. Instead, he pulled into the hospital parking lot.

Okay, this was getting a little weird. What could he possibly be doing here?

Leto got out of the car, and I followed him inside, where he greeted the receptionist by first name. He winked at her, and she giggled before handing him a volunteer badge.

“Ah, yes. Charming people into thinking you’re a good guy,” I said sarcastically. “What kind of hospital volunteer could murder dozens of people?”

Leto continued waltzing down the hall like he owned the place. I heard crying coming from a room nearby. Leto stopped and peered inside. A woman sobbed at the bedside of an old man, who lay motionless on the bed. My best guess is it had been her husband. The machines he was hooked up to were already shut off, and I didn’t see his spirit anywhere. He must’ve already gone with his reaper.

“Ma’am, the doctor would like to speak with you.” The nurse was trying to get her out of the room so they could take the body to the morgue.

“No—no!” the woman shouted when the nurse touched her. The pain of her sobs seemed to permeate the hospital walls.

Leto chuckled lightly. The sick fuck was enjoying this!

“So it’s not just traumatic deaths you get off on?” I spat, even though he couldn’t hear me. “You’ve got to sit here and watch the family grieve!”

Leto kept his eyes on the sobbing woman, but he smirked. “The human experience is oddly complex. Grief is a trauma all its own, don’t you think?”

His gaze landed on my spirit, and if I’d been in my body, my heart would’ve stopped dead. He could see me!

“You asshole,” I growled. “This whole time, you’ve just been fucking with me!”

Leto smirked and turned away, not acknowledging me one bit. It was like I wasn’t even there. Demons were supernatural creatures. It made sense that he could see and hear things that a normal person couldn’t.

“What exactly are you doing here?” I snapped. “Just observing, or playing with fate?”

Leto ignored me. I grabbed for his arm to stop him, but my hand went straight through him. Leto turned the corner, and I followed… but he had vanished.

What the hell? Where had he gone?

Of fucking course demons could teleport.

I was about to tear the hospital down to look for this creep, before a child’s voice carried down the hall.

I’m not scared.

It was an ethereal whisper, but it wasn’t someone’s last thought. It was more distorted and quiet—distant in a way. It was like I was hearing the voice of a child on the brink of death. She hadn’t quite passed yet, but death was imminent. Normally, I’d never hear a voice like this, but it must’ve had something to do with being a reaper in my spirit form.
