Page 43 of That One Touch

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It was entrancing. And he needed to snap the hell out of it.

“Pres?” Marley called out. “Come over here.”

He didn’t need asking twice. Because as much as he knew he couldn’t touch her, it didn’t stop him from wanting to be close. He walked over and his gaze washed over her.



“We were talking about the opening song. I really think we should go for ‘Beautiful Liar’.”

“‘Beautiful Liar’ is slow.” They always opened on a fast number. Got the audience going. Or at least they used to. It had been a while.

“I know. But it’s the second best song we have. The way you two sing it…” Marley trailed off. “It could work. I know it could.”

“What do you think?” He looked at Cassie.

“I think you should decide.” She shrugged. “You and Marley. It’s your band.”

“Why don’t you decide?” he asked her.

She bit down a smile. “Because I’ve never sung at a gig before.”

Well there was that. “Okay, but how does a ballet begin? Do you start on a fast note or a slow note?”

“It varies.”

Of course it did. And now he was picturing her dancing in a tight outfit and fuck if he didn’t wish he could see it. “I just think starting on something faster works. We can do ‘Beautiful Liar’ as our second song. If we started with ‘Slammed’ we could segue into it nicely.”

“Break up and make up,” Marley said, because “Slammed” was definitely angry. The two of them had written it years ago, when Marley had walked in on his then girlfriend cheating.

“More like break up and then have great break up sex,” Cassie said.

Marley laughed. “Yeah, that’s a good description. And you two do delightful break up sex.”

She lifted a brow at him. He smiled because what else could he do?

“By the way, how’s your car?” Marley asked her.

Pres’ hackles immediately rose.

“My car?” Cassie repeated.

“Yeah. I meant to ask you the other night but I forgot. Pres said you’ve been having trouble with it. That’s why he drove it to yours and got me to pick him up the other night.”

Her lips parted as she let out a breath. Now she knew he’d lied to his brother for her. Because he clearly got the impression she didn’t want people to know about her not driving in the rain.

“It’s fine now. And thank you for helping.” She glanced at Pres. “Both of you.”

“I know a good mechanic if you need one,” Marley said.

“It’s sorted,” Presley replied.

Marley tipped his head to the side, his gaze on his brother. “Okay…” Somebody called out his name, and he lifted a hand. “Gotta go. A few of us are heading over to the Moonlight.” He looked at Cassie. “Want to join us?”

She shook her head. “Thank you, but it’s been a long day. I’m going home to crash.”

Presley liked the fact that she wasn’t going. Too much.
