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It wasn’t until he turned in his seat to face me that I realized this wasn’t a normal trip.

Because in his hand were a pair of handcuffs.

The next thing I knew, he was grabbing my arm, slapping on one of the cuffs, then yanking my arm across the guard to my side and up, clasping the other bracelet to the ‘Oh, shit’ bar over the door.

I knew, even before I saw the second car fill up with guards, then pull out of the driveway behind us, that this was the night.

The night they were going to double-cross someone they were doing business with.

The night where Warren was going to put a bullet in a man’s head.

While I sat there in the car, helpless.

Possibly set right in the center of a gunfight.

My heart was hammering in my chest, my mind on my son, on him possibly becoming motherless thanks to a stray bullet, left in the care of his wicked father.

“Wait,” I said when Denny parked the car, and the men started to climb out.

“What, Claire?” Warren snapped.

“Can you crack the window? It’s hot in here,” I insisted. Even though there was a cold chill moving over me, goosebumps rising on my skin.

Warren sighed, but nodded his head toward Denny, who climbed back in, and turned over the car for long enough to roll the back window halfway down.

“Now sit there and shut up,” Warren snapped as the door slammed, then the locks engaged.

As if I could get away while handcuffed so hard that my wrist felt raw.

I sat there, watching the men slink off into the distance, checking their guns, then tucking them away.

I couldn’t tell you how long I sat there.

Then I saw several cars pulling in, their headlights turning away from me as they parked, then climbed out, completely unaware of their fate.

But one final car came closer, the lights flooding the SUV for a moment as it parked a few yards behind me.

Despite my heartbeat hammering in my ears, I heard the door click closed, then footsteps making their way closer.

Before starting to veer off.

I couldn’t tell you why I did it.

Why I cared.

When I had so much to worry about already.

But before I could stop myself, the word was rushing out of my mouth.


The man stopped.

Then turned, gaze landing on me.

And, God.

I wasn’t prepared for the unexpected jolt of desire that flooded me as I looked at this stranger.
