Page 49 of Hunted

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“Less yap, more caff, Kid,” I taunt in return, stare doing its best not to admire how snug his jeans currently are.

They didn’t used to be.

What’s he been doing?

Shrinking that shit to impress our temporary houseguest?


Small chortles precede him filling the cup, adding sugar, stirring, and sauntering over. Upon his arrival, he slowly extends the offering out to me. “Where ya headed?”

“Farthest edges of Spike Village.” Our fingers briefly brush, and it takes every bone in my body to swallow the groan it conjures. “Just outside my usual limits.”

Confusion causes his face to twitch. “Why are you going if it’s out of your limits?” Concern claws its way into his crystal gaze. “You uh…You need the work that bad? Was the weekend really that slow?”

Fuck. Me. I can’t stand to see him worried whether it’s about money or food or females or…evidently…his own goddamn feelings.

I know what he’s really asking.

He knows what he’s really asking.

He just needs to stop playing with it like he ain’t afraid of going blind.

“Ask me what the fuck it is you really wanna ask me, Kid.” I lift my mug to my lips to have a single sip. “I mean…you had enough balls to sit in the driver’s seat last night, didn’t you? Have enough balls to sit in it this morning.”

“I don’t always need to drive, Nolan.”

“But clearly you don’t need a learner’s permit anymore.”

Frustration has him flashing me a small glare. “I would just appreciate you sharing the goddamn wheel every once in a while.”

“Then consider this as me sharing.” Another gulp is attached to a snide smirk. “I took a job somewhere I normally don’t.”

“Why? To avoid dealing with me this morning?”

Pride spurs me to straighten my spine.


He can do it.

“I don’t need to avoid you, Kipp.” Relief has his tightened shoulders lowering, leading me to plant my free hand on one. Squeeze. Smile wider. “I just need to avoid her.”

“Fuck you, Mutt,” Bunny mumbles from across the room informing us both she’s awake.

She’s been awake.

The woman isn’t nearly as sneaky as she thinks she is.

“Mornin’, Rabbit,” I warmly call out in return prompting Kipp to shake his head.

“Mornin’, Kid,” she sweetly coos, redirecting our gaze her direction.

“Mornin’, baby,” he adoringly croons. “I’ll bring you coffee in a minute.” My hand falls from his frame during the proclamation only to have him lightly catch it right above my wrist. “Come on. Be Maserati real with me, Nolan. Why this job?”

I’m not sure if the mindless confession is caused by the sincerity in his voice or the care in his touch. Either way I feel overly compelled to give it. “No one else would pick it up.”

He quirks an eyebrow in a silent request for further information at the same time he relinquishes his hold.
