Page 39 of Hunted

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She’s not getting any of that shit.

The first two aren’t needed, and the last one?

Well, it isn’t on the breakfast menu.

Crossing over to her side of the bed is wordlessly done. Sounds of the sink running could easily capture her attention; however, Bunny keeps her stare planted on me. Studies the way I drop to my knees upon arrival. How my fingers curl around her legs. Roughly turn her unsteady figure. Yank her to the very edge of the mattress where she’s spread wide despite her gasp.

Burying my face between her thighs overwhelms my senses with maddening scents of sex, cum, and hints of vanilla. Animalistic grumbles reverberate in the back of my throat as my nose traces the inside of one thigh, teases her clit with the very tip of my appendage, and then drags itself the length of the other. Aromas instantly attach themselves to the mental images from earlier this morning pushing me to lower my jaw and sink my teeth into the nearest silky skin.

There’s no hesitation to taste the remnants of the life changing moment or reluctance to allow the saltiness to saunter itself across my tongue.

The three fused flavors take turns taunting the muscle.

Flattering it and flaunting the previous sessions feats.

Greed to devour more of her…him…them…convinces my tongue to frantically skate elsewhere.

To slide up and up and up until it’s stroking the length of her pussy. Licking and lapping and leisurely sucking scraps of the event I heard yet wasn’t invited to.

Felt yet couldn’t feel.

Heard yet couldn’t be heard.

New waves of gluttony spark my actions to become even more eager.


To go looking for all that I missed and lied in bed picturing with my shaft in my hand.

I ceaselessly whirl my tongue around her tiny clit, envisioning her finger working the sensitive nub just like he commanded. I stiffen the tip to add additional pressure and spin it faster and faster and faster, immediately smirking when her hips begin grinding into the incessant swirling. Clawing at her soft, brown thighs isn’t consciously done nor does it stop once I realize I am. I use my vicious hold to not only mark the territory but to feed me more of her. To deliver mouthfuls that smear juices on my cheeks as much as my tongue and cut off the bits of air I was able to grasp, leaving me to choke for breath on faint bits of Nolan’s cum.

Her cum.

Their fucking cum.

Whimpers morph into uncontrollable moans that are quickly muffled by Bunny repeatedly attempting to clamp her thighs together. They clap in praise while her pussy screams in outrage each time my tongue plunges further inside, sweeping and searching and diving deeper in desperation to discover the orgasm that has my name on it.

The one that didn’t have the opportunity to escape last night.

The one that I will be damned if I leave here without.

“Ohmygodohmygodohmygod,” is continually screeched and carved into my scalp by her nails. “Kipp!”

All of a sudden, Nolan’s husky voice, quietly declares, “Make sure my dirty little slut comes, Kid.”

The combination of the order and filthy nickname spurs us each in our own ways. Bunny immediately begins shaking and quivering, creeping closer to climax’s edge, dangling her toes off one by one while I become totally unhinged, furiously fucking her with my tongue and forcing her to fuck me back by pulling her into each savage stab. There’s no steady rhythm or precision. No well-paced build up. No attention to what makes her cry out louder or softer. Just brutal shoves oscillated between even more brutal sucks of her clit.

To no surprise, it doesn’t take long for the scraping on my skull to transpose into harsher slaps that are attached to airy, choked sobs, “OhmygodImcoming!”

Sticky surges pitilessly pour all across my tongue.

Linger in thick lines on my lips.

Sloppily drip down my nose during the rising to my feet.

Controlling my choppy breathing and heaving chest aren’t even ideas I consider as I drop my boxers to the ground. “You may be his dirty little slut, but you’re gonna be my good girl. Understood?”

A soft whimper barely precedes an unexpected hungry groan from across the room.
