Page 104 of Hunted

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What else does he know about me?

Which of my other specs has he read?

Garcia gestures an innocent hand in my direction. “And as you can hear…the distress of having his rights violated is causing an unfortunate visceral reaction that’s being expelled in foul language he would never consciously use around respected officers of the law.”


But I get it.

Calm down.

Do better.

Watch my mouth.

“It would be a shame if the emotional distress from having his home and work violated expanded into needing to seek mental counseling that inevitably led him to feeling as though he should file a civil suit against the city of Spike Village in which you work for, Detective Northwood.” This time there’s a noticeable flicker of a smile that reaches his lips. “Three in a year is grounds for a state funded investigation into your precinct and or district; however, seven in three years is actually enough to warrant the wrong attention from those at a federal level. However, I’m sure you’re aware of that.”

Northwood’s entire face pales in color prompting the man I love to pompously chuckle.

“Nothing your officers may have found or discovered during this violation process can be recorded, removed, or used to request additional or alternative documents regarding any future search and seizure requests.”

“Davis!” shouts Northwood in frustration as Garcia resumes his reading. His head whips over to the officer kicking over one set of my tools. “Go get Davis!”

“It states the aforementioned terms in slightly ambiguous legal language that your office probably should’ve clarified to you before you began this unsanctioned raid.”

“I’m glad my attorney cares more than yours does,” Nolan arrogantly states, body still angled to shield us from the cop’s scathing glances.

“And since only the towing business is in Mr. Nolan’s name, you need legal consent from my other client-”

“Which I did not give,” I loudly insure, leaning around Nolan to guarantee the present detective can see my face.

“-to search the garage, you instructed your men to inspect, which from the looks of it,” he briefly glances around the wrecked space, “is also grounds for a civil suit. After only a glance, I can already estimate the amount of property damage that he could easily ask to be compensated for.”



“There can’t possibly be fucking more,” barks Northwood causing Bunny to quietly snicker beside me, reinstalling a faint bit of hope that I’m wrong.

That she won’t run.

That this whole thing didn’t completely ruin the few miles we’ve finally made as a whole.

“Also,” Garcia repeats, ignoring the irked officer’s tone, “your warrant allows you to only search the properties of Mr. Nolan – including his logs – but not seize anything. You are only allowed photos,” he taps the document he’s holding, “and only photos of items that pertain to Mr. Nolan.”

Northwood’s sneering encourages Nolan to ask, “Does it say what all this is exactly in regard to? The…detectives haven’t exactly made that crystal clear for me, Mr. Garcia. Just that they could search my shit and needed to ask me some questions, which of course is when I texted you.”

“Clarity does not seem to be their strong suit,” our attorney quips prior to skimming the document. “And they most certainly will not be asking you any questions at this time.” Eventually, Garcia reaches the end of the paperwork and releases an almost amused sigh, “Wow.” He shifts his stare up to Nolan’s. “Whoever wrote this is not good.”

Bunny’s face lovingly hits my shoulder to hide her giggles inspiring even more gratitude to the stranger for helping bring back the beautiful sound.

“I think it’s trying to state that they believe you were the last person to see their missing witness – who is a witness to a large criminal case I’m assuming.” He begins folding the papers back into the shape he received them. “The search warrant was most likely issued to see if there was any way to prove that theory, to prove you helped their witness disappear from police surveillance, or that you had contact with the alleged criminal, they are trying to build a case against.”


So, they’re not actually worried that Nolan killed the guy?

They just wanna know what part he played in his disappearance.

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