Page 23 of Tainted Obsession

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“Evelyn.” I recognized that accented voice. It was the first time he’d ever said my name.

How did he know my name?

Massimo wasn’t an Interpol agent. He didn’t work with George.

He shouldn’t know my name.

Big hands reached for me—the same hands that’d scooped me up and carried me away from danger.

The hands that’d murdered the two men who’d kidnapped and brutalized me.

I tried to scramble away, releasing a whimper like a cornered animal.

His dark brows were dangerous slashes over his stunning wolf’s eyes, and his full lips twisted in distaste.

“Please…” My mouth formed the desperate plea for mercy, but no sound came out.

Strong arms closed around me, dragging me close to his bare chest. He was massive, so much more powerful than I could ever hope to be. I’d never be capable of fighting him off, even if I were skilled in self-defense. As it was, George had always promised to keep me safe, so I’d focused on running to keep fit rather than building muscle.

Massimo’s corded arms enfolded me, caging me against him in a careful but firm hold. One of his big hands lifted to the center of my chest, applying pressure over my racing heart.

“Breathe,” he rumbled, a low command. His deep voice rolled through my body, compelling my obedience.

My chest loosened, and I managed to suck in a deep breath.

“That’s it,” he praised. “Another. Keep breathing.”

I heaved in another ragged breath. My chest convulsed, but I managed to take in the oxygen I so desperately needed. I forced down another.

One hand remained firmly on my chest, applying that grounding pressure against my heart as its erratic beats slowed to a more regular rhythm. His other hand brushed over my scalp, thick fingers trailing through my hair in a soothing motion.

“You’re doing so well, farfallina,” he said, warm and coaxing. “You’re safe.”

I tensed again, and he shushed me, cradling my face so that my cheek pressed against his chest. I inhaled the scent of leather and amber, and something deeper that was purely masculine and unique to Massimo. Every time my lungs expanded, I breathed him in. With his warm, sure hands soothing me, the scent became heady, and the world turned slightly surreal.

The room was no longer spinning, but it was fuzzy at the edges; my full focus was on him.

Two fingers curled beneath my chin, lifting my face to his. Those shining silver eyes stunned me, and my brain blanked for a few merciful seconds.

My next breath came easier. I could feel his steady heartbeat beneath my cheek where it was pressed against his chest, and my own heart slowed to match it.

“No one is going to hurt you,” he said with the weight of an oath. “I’ve got you.”

A shadow of fear flitted at the back of my mind, but I was too mesmerized by his intense gaze for true terror to stir. Or maybe I was simply wrung out from all the trauma I’d faced in the last few hours. Exhaustion rolled over me, making my entire body feel oddly heavy. I sagged in his arms, all instinct for fight or flight draining out of me.

“You don’t work with George,” I said, my voice strangely soft. I was so tired, and all that tethered me to reality were his arms and his silvery eyes, which seemed to hook my attention like a lure.

His lips pinched in a frown, but he maintained his gentle grip on my limp body. “No, I don’t.”

“This isn’t a safe house.”

“It’s not.” The admission was clipped, as though he was reluctant to say it. “But you are safe here.”

“Who are you?” I asked on a little puff of air. My terror was still a mere flicker through my thoughts, kept at bay by his heavy hand over my heart.

“No one you should fear.” His thumb caressed my chilled cheek, and I was tempted to lean into his warmth.

I barely resisted the urge. Something deep inside me knew this was wrong; Massimo was a dangerous man. I shouldn’t find comfort in the hands that’d killed at least two men.
