Page 49 of Going Deep

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The officer shook his head.

Gray stared at his phone for a second. He wanted to call Jack and Mason right then. Instead, he shoved the phone into his pocket.

Thornton made a disgusted sound. “Would you stop trying to be so fucking tough and just call them?”

Gray gave Thornton a sideways glance. When it came to tough…

“Almost getting killed gets you a lot of leeway,” the lieutenant said.

Gray called Jack, knowing he’d likely be home.

“Gray? You’re all right?” Jack sound so relieved.

“I’m here too,” Mason yelled in the background.

“I’m fine. It’ll be a while before I’m home. I just…”

“You damn well better get home as fast as you can and expect to be held for a long time,” Mason said, obviously still listening in.

“I… That would be great.”

“What about the girl?” Jack asked.

“She’ll make it. Andy is going to the hospital to see her. If you?—”

“I’ll call him now.”

“Okay, gotta go.”

“We love you.”

“Yeah. Me too.” Even after facing down death, he couldn’t bring himself to say those words in front of his colleagues. He doubted he ever would, but Jack and Mason knew, and he’d sure as hell show them when he got home.

“You look a little better,” Thornton told him.

“It’s the chocolate.”

He huffed. “Sure it is.”

When they got back to the precinct, Gray went over the details of what happened. He told his story to Thornton and to Captain Russell and then he told it again. Then he filled out more paperwork than anyone should ever have to face. Finally, when he was sure he was going to drop from exhaustion and adrenaline crash, Thornton told him he could go home.


Mason pulled the door open before Gray reached it. “It’s Gray,” he yelled into the house, then threw his arms around him. “God, it’s good to see you.”

Gray managed to maneuver them over the threshold. He kicked the door closed behind him and dropped his bag to the floor.

Suddenly, Jack was there too, and they were all wrapped around each other.

“You’re okay,” Jack said in between kisses. “You’re really okay.”

“I said I was.”

“Yeah but you’d say that if you were half dead,” Jack complained.

Fair enough. He would. As the enormity of the evening hit him, he grew dizzy. and the world went fuzzy around the edges.

“Gray? Gray are you all right?” Mason’s voice sounded far away.
