Page 41 of Going Deep

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Precum had pooled on Mason’s belly and he was so hard his cock rose up like it was straining for the friction he clearly craved. It wouldn’t take long to have him right back where Gray wanted him.

“Don’t move,” he ordered. Then he gave an evil laugh. “Oh yeah, you can’t.”

Jack giggled, still high from his climax.

Mason scowled. “Bastard.”

“Make him regret that,” Gray ordered Jack as he left the room to grab a butt plug.

When Gray returned, Jack was bent over Mason, mouth hovering over his cock, fingers tormenting his nipples, pinching, flicking, slapping. Gray hung in the doorway and watched as Jack kept it up until Mason was shifting from side to side, trying to escape his touch and begging him to stop.

“Enough,” Gray said.

Jack sat back on his heels, a pouty expression on his face.

“You’ll get to torture him more in a minute, but first, his ass needs some attention.”

Gray held up the plug so Mason could see.

“Oh God, no,” Mason said.

“Are you complaining, boy?”

“N-no, sir. I… I didn’t mean to.” Mason looked desperate.

“Tell me what you’re feeling. You’re free to say anything you want.”

Mason glanced at Jack and then back to Gray. “How much longer? I need to come so badly. It… it hurts I’m so… I don’t think I can hold back.”

“Twice more.”


“Jack and I will help you. I want to watch you struggle. Just think how hard you’ll come when it’s done.”

“Mmm. It will be delicious,” Jack added.

“I’m going to fuck you when it’s over,” Gray said. “Will you do this for me?”

Mason nodded. “Yes, sir.”

“Good.” Gray slicked the plug thoroughly and eased it in. Mason gasped. Gray hadn’t stretched him at all and he knew it hurt, but that burn would help Mason hold off for a few more minutes.

Gray slid the plug in farther, going slowly. Mason squeezed his eyes shut.

“Do you need time to adjust?”

Mason shook his head. “No. I want it. All of it.”

Gray pushed it deeper. He waited until the tension in Mason’s legs relaxed to start fucking him with it. Mason bucked under him, fighting the spreader as he tried to close his legs and escape. But Gray kept it up until Mason was so close, his balls high and tight. Then he pulled it out and Mason gasped.

“No. God, no. Don’t you dare stop. I can’t—” He froze and looked at Gray as he realized what he’d said. “I mean…”

Gray stroked his thigh and smiled. “It’s okay. I’m asking a lot of you.”

Mason’s face was damp with sweat. A drop rolled down his chest and onto the sheet.

“No ice this time,” Gray said. “We’re just going to wait a bit.”
