Page 51 of Teddy

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Kipp perks up. “Tell me.”

“He came to the party at the community center dressed as Aquaman. Momoa Aquaman.”

Kipp nearly spits out his beer. “Holy fuck,” he breathes.

Scott laughs again. “Totally rocked the vibe, minus the long hair. Did you never show him pictures?” he asks me.

Kipp’s eyes meet mine, wide and unblinking blue. “Teddy. Teddy, are there pictures?”

“Christ,” I mutter, lips twitching as I pull out my phone. I find my one and only picture from the event and flip the screen Kipp’s way.

“Sweet baby Jesus,” he mutters. “Why do you look wet?”

“Broke a couple hearts that night,” Scott says, an almost wistful tone to his voice.

“Probably broke a couple dicks, too,” Kipp puts in rather inappropriately, to which Scott laughs. “You realize you likely have a standing role in many guys’ spank banks, right? I mean, especially considering…”

Kipp trails off, eyes flaring wide as he realizes what he almost let slip—my job at Elite 8 Studios. Although, in truth, I wouldn’t mind Scott knowing.

Scott simply makes a pft sound. “I’m well aware Teddy works in porn.”

“You are?” both Kipp and I ask at once.

Kipp looks relieved. “Thank fuck. Not my fault,” he says, hands raised.

Scott huffs a laugh.

“You never said anything,” I say to Scott.

He shrugs. “Neither did you, which is why I didn’t bring it up. But c’mon, Teddy. I run a queer community center. Someone recognized you the second time you stopped by. I had to explain that yes, that meeting in my office was strictly professional.”

Kipp snorts before covering his mouth. “Sorry,” he mumbles.

“I hope that hasn’t caused issues for you,” I say seriously.

Scott gives me a look. “You know we’re a ‘no judgment’ zone. You’re a good person, and that’s all that matters.”

“The best,” Kipp puts in.

Well, shit. I shake my head, cutting up the sweet potatoes for dinner.

“So, Kipp,” Scott says, moving on from that minor bombshell. “Teddy tells me you guys knew each other for a while before you got together. What precipitated the change?”

Oh boy.

Kipp’s smile spreads slowly across his face, his eyes meeting mine for a drawn-out moment. “Well, you see,” he says theatrically, “like any good story, it began with a crown of dicks.”

Chapter 14


“I like him,” I tell Teddy, turning the lock on the door now that Scott has left. “Seems like a good guy.”

Teddy shakes his head, although there’s a smile on his face. “You just had to tell him about us getting blackout drunk, didn’t you?”

“Hey, I didn’t say it was our wedding night,” I defend, sure that has to count for something. “Move over. I’m doing dishes.”

Teddy steps aside without complaint, wiping his hands before crossing his arms across his rather nice chest.
