Page 118 of Teddy

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“I’ll do that,” I tell my boss. “Thanks, Carly.”

“You bet.”

Carly gives my door a tap before walking off, and I relax into my chair, feeling a welcome twinge in and on my ass. The reminder of Teddy’s palm on my skin has me tearing up again. Not in a sad way. Just because I miss it. I miss him.

I wipe my cheek. Stupid hormones.

Midafternoon, I take a break and head outside to call Niko, excited to give him the good news about Teddy and me. If he’s filming, it’ll go to voicemail. But he answers on the second ring.

“Hey, Kipp. What’s up?”

I promptly burst into tears.

“Shit, are you okay?” he asks.

“Fine. Fuck. All day. I’m a mess.”

“What’s going on? Where are you?”

“Work,” I explain, taking a seat gingerly on a patio seat out behind the building. Traffic is quieter back here, and there’s no one to overhear my conversation. “Honestly, I’m fine. I just, uh… Teddy spanked me into heaven last night, and I’ve been a little off ever since. It’s fine. He’s been looking after me. Apparently it’s a thing that can happen? I’m new to this sub stuff. But hey, good news! Teddy and I are in love now, and we’re going to stay married, and I’m pretty sure I want to propose again, but like the proper way? What do you think?”

“That…” he says slowly, “was a lot of information to take in at once. Okay, you guys talked?”

“We did,” I say on an exhale. “We’re good. Same page. All the feelings.”

“Okay,” he says with a chuckle. “That’s good. And you’re staying married?”

“I mean, yeah. Maybe it’s fast for that sort of thing, but it doesn’t make sense to get divorced when we’d probably end up right back here eventually. I love the man. I don’t want to divorce him, not even for a few months.”

“Well, awesome. If you get proper-married, can I be your best man?”

“Duh,” I answer.

“Shit, Kipp. You found your guy.”

“I know,” I breathe. “And he’s so fucking hot. Hell, Nik, have you seen him? Stupid question, I know you have. You guys have fucked, for Christ’s sake. Which, again, hot. But we’re not going to talk about it. Or the fact that I’ve watched it. Hey, the three of us have all had sex with each other. Isn’t that kinda weird? The only ones who haven’t fucked are me and Dixon.”

“Kipp. Gonna stop you right there.”

“Yep, lips are being sealed. Topic closed. Moving on.”

He huffs, and I’m pretty sure he’s shaking his head. At least, I assume he is. “The spanking?”

“Ohmygod,” I say. “I’m such a spank slut now, you have no idea. The first time was like, whoa, is this good? And then, oh yes, this is very good. And now it’s like, fucking spank me, Daddy—”



Niko sighs, but it sounds like laughter. “I’m really happy for you, brother. And I’m always here if you wanna talk. Have your folks been any more supportive? Or Vaughn?”

“No,” I answer. “But I think I’m going to call. Try one more time.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah. I was thinking about how Teddy dropped everything to visit his grandparents when his papa got hurt. And, in a way, my family did that for me. They did come, even though that visit sucked. And… I don’t know. Maybe that means something.”

“Just be careful,” Niko says.

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