Page 113 of Teddy

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God freaking damn it.

Chapter 29


“Okay, mon chéri?”

“Of course,” I tell my grandma.

She gives me a scrupulous look. It’s been a few days since my video call with Kipp, and I can’t get past the feeling that I screwed up. I should have been gentler with him, not barked when I know Kipp is sensitive to that sort of thing.

Damn it, I need to see him. I need to hold him in my arms and assure him we’re okay. That I’m not mad at him. It’s Antoni and Cameron who keep wriggling their way back into my life and messing shit up.

I pull my phone from my pocket while my grandma stirs the soup she’s making.

Me: How’s your day, sweetheart?

I drum my fingers while I wait for a reply. It doesn’t come quickly.

“Still heading back tomorrow?” my grandma asks.

“Yeah,” I answer. “Unless you need me to stay?”

“Pft,” my grandpa says, hobbling slowly into the room. “I am not an invalid, Théodore. It has been nice to see you, but I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”

“I never said you couldn’t,” I reply, not pointing out the fact that, for a couple days, he did need someone to take care of him. He’d only wave me off. “I’m glad I came home. I love you both.”

My grandma pats my shoulder. “And we love you, mon chéri. Now, are you going to tell us what’s going on between you and that nice young man before you go? Or shall I keep guessing?”

I huff a laugh, sitting at the table as the smells of herbs and chicken perfume the kitchen. Maman sits next to me while Papa prepares himself a cup of tea.

“It’s complicated,” I start with, “but I like him. A lot. We kind of accidentally got married a month back and have been almost dating ever since?”

My grandpa sets his spoon against the side of his mug, his expression more befuddled than anything. “Is that how kids do it these days?”

I snort. “No. Only us.”

My grandma gives my arm a tap. “But he likes you, too, yes?”

“I think so,” I tell her. God, I hope so.

She nods. “You’ll bring him next time you come.”

My smile is so wide, I can’t even temper it.

“Now tell me about this wedding,” she says. “Are there pictures?”

As I pull out my phone, it chimes with a text.

Babydoll: Today has been fine. Are you still getting back tomorrow?

Me: Yeah. I’ll be home around 8.

It takes a few seconds for a reply to come through.

Babydoll: Okay. See you then.

I sigh. It’s not the warmest response, but I’ll fix it as soon as I’m home. For now, I open up my photos and show my grandparents the two pictures from our wedding. Not for the first time, I wish I could remember that night. I wish I could remember saying I do.
