Page 86 of Make My Heart Race

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I leaned into him. “Not yet, but it’s still early days. Who knew I’d be back here?” I said lightly, like my stomach didn’t feel fizzy and my heart wasn’t about to beat out of my chest.

Hayes kissed me. “I knew, baby. I never had any doubt in my mind you’d be back here, better than ever.” He kissed me softly. “I’m so fucking proud of you.”

I shook my head, emotion choking me. “I wouldn’t be here without you, Hayes.” He opened his mouth to protest, but I put a finger over his lips. “No, it’s true. I would have crawled into a hole and just existed, but my dream would be dead if it weren’t for you. You believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. The best thing fate ever did for me was put you in my path.” I kissed him hard. “I love you.”

“I love you too, baby.” He slapped me on the ass. “Now go out there and show them what they’ve been missing this last year. You’ve got this.”

Sucking in a deep breath, I walked into the garage as they were wheeling the car out to its place for the anthem and the pre-race ceremonies. Ari Rome appeared in front of me, a frown on his face, but with a calm demeanor. I was pretty sure Ari had been frowning one day when the wind changed, and his face stayed like that, just like Mom always said it would.

“You good, Palmer?”

Nodding, I grabbed my helmet. “Yes, sir.”

“Feeling confident?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good. Go out there and show them that you aren’t just Rocco Passero’s wife. Or Buck Willtot’s girlfriend. You’re a fucking competent driver with good instincts. You’ve got this.”

I let out a shaky breath. Maybe I did need to puke. Honestly, if I didn’t think I’d lose the tiny bit of respect I’d just garnered, I might burst into tears. “Thank you, sir.”

He gave a sharp nod. “Go smile for the cameras and then eat these fuckers for dinner.”

I moved out of the garage, toward the straight. I signed hats thrust my way and took selfies with fans, and it was a heady experience.

“Excuse me, Miss, can you sign my baby?” I looked over and saw Jesse close to the wall, with Bobbi-June strapped to his chest. Beside him was Rocco in dark sunglasses and a cap, totally in incognito mode. Useless really, if you judged the side-eyes everyone in the crowd was giving him.

I shook my head. “I can’t sign your baby, but I can give her a kiss.” Kissing both of Bobbi-June’s chubby cheeks, I soaked in their loving looks. I kissed Jesse too, then leaned over further and kissed Rocco.

The man in question frowned. “Don’t forget to watch them coming into that first corner. They like to go wide and push you out.”

“I know, Rocco.”

“The brakes might lock up early too, because they’ll be cold. Just keep it off the wall and it’ll get easier.”

I cupped his cheek. “I’ve got this.”

He turned his face and kissed my palm. “This is far less stressful when I’m on the track.”

Jesse laughed and patted his back. “Come on, man. We’ll go get our seats. See you at the finish line, sweetheart.”

I went and stood by my car after they rolled it into the starting position in the pitlane, and a girl down the front sang the national anthem. I mouthed the words, but my brain was already running the track, thinking about the drivers in front of me and behind me.

Finally, it was done. Time to get my head in the game. Someone appeared with my earbuds, and I slipped them in. I did the tests and climbed in the car, letting them strap me in.

Antony appeared beside me, squatting down so he was eye height. “You got this?”

I gave him a crooked smile. “I was born for this.”

He pulled my head sock down and laughed. “I know you were. Go out there and make us proud, kid.”

Then I was one hundred percent a driver. The nerves disappeared as I ran through my lists. The car was started, and the pit crews moved back to safety. As we pulled out behind the pace car, I let myself feel the thrill of the adrenaline coursing through my veins.

This was for Bobbi-June.

For my dad.

For Hayes, who believed in me.

For Jesse, who supported me.

For Rocco, who challenged me.

But most of all, this was for me.

“Green! Green! Green!” The voice came through my earbuds.

It was time to race.
