Page 41 of Beowolf

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Nutsbe followed Olivia’s instructions and arrived at the courtroom door without mishaps or extra stress taking Candace and Beowolf—in his work vest emblazoned with a blue “COURT SUPPORT ANIMAL” patch—through the security check. The “WORKING DO NOT TOUCH” Candace knew, was a directive for others. They didn’t want Beowolf to be distracted from his job, focusing on Candace. She could touch Beowolf as much as she wanted.

After giving their names, the bailiff opened a door to the left. “You can wait here until the witness’s name is called.”

It was a closet of a room. Almost all of the floor space was covered with a table and chairs. The dark green walls made the space claustrophobic, making it feel like they were trying to hang out in a storage closet. Nutsbe had to put one of the chairs on top of the table and signal Beowolf under to make room for the three.

After a moment, there was a tap at the door, and Olivia poked her head in to identify herself before she fully opened the door to join them.

“Everyone doing okay? Nutsbe? Candace?” Olivia leaned over to look under the table. “Hi, Beowolf.”

Olivia looked cool, polished, and professional in her navy blue suit with a matching blouse. “Before the lunch break,” Olivia said, “the jury received instructions about a dog in the courts. Candace, while you testify, I’m just reminding you that Beowolf will be with you on the stand, and Nutsbe will be right in front of you. He’ll be there to handle Beowolf should any handling be necessary. Candace,” Olivia wrapped Candace’s cold, white fingers in her hands, “this is hard. I want to acknowledge that. You are brave. You are strong. You are supported. You can do this.”

“I feel safe with Beowolf in with me. If he’s not in with me, I feel like I might have a severe case of amnesia and not remember.”

“Okay,” Olivia squeezed Candace’s fingers again, then pulled her hand away. “We talked about the consequences of that.”

“I’m aware of the consequences. I’m not an idiot, Ms. Gladstone. I’m trying to do the right thing and to stay alive.” She hid her hands under the table. “If Kyle Offsed is put in prison for life, what would it matter if he killed me right here on the stand today? He’d still go to prison for life. No difference.”

“Well, luckily, that’s not a problem. Beowolf and I are going to be right there with you.” Nutsbe turned to Olivia. “The judge knows Beowolf is a bullmastiff?” Nutsbe asked, hoping that his size wasn’t the thing that would make everything go haywire for Candace’s testimony.

“I did tell the judge that it was a mastiff. I’m just not sure that he understood. He strikes me as a cat person.” She smiled, then turned back to Candace. “Since you’ll be called first thing, I’d like for us to go ahead into the courtroom. That way, when the judge comes in, you’re just moving from that seat to the witness chair.”

“Is he in there?” Candace's shoulders came up to her ears.

“Offsed?” Olivia asked. “Not yet. So this would be a good time for you to move in and get settled. Remember, besides Beowolf and Nutsbe—and me—there is an armed bailiff in the room, and there will be physical space between you.”

Candace’s face drained of color.

“You’ve got this.” Olivia squeezed Candace’s arm. “Once this is done, it’s done. You don’t have to anticipate it anymore.” She stood and opened the door.

When Candace got reluctantly to her feet, Beowolf scrambled out from under the table and pressed through the door at the same time she did. He seemed to be signaling that he’d stick with her no matter what. And from the look of resignation on Candace’s face, she accepted that and was ready to face the Devil.

Together, they moved up the carpeted walkway.

At the front of the courtroom, Olivia’s paralegal stood up and vacated the protected seat.

“Thanks, Gail,” Olivia said. “I’ll see you at the office later.”

And there they were. Beowolf taking up the side aisle, Candace holding onto Beowolf’s ear, and Nutsbe bracing for the kryptonite assault that was surely coming.

For the moment, there was calm.

Nutsbe focused his attention on Olivia, organizing herself at the prosecutor’s table in front of him. Her demeanor was different here—how she held her body and her facial expression. She had to be wicked smart and badass to have risen to her position. Even so, even here, there was something approachable to her attitude.

Nutsbe—from his experience in the courts as a witness to the many cases that involved Iniquus security’s interventions—found these qualities played out better with a jury of one’s peers. No one wanted to feel like someone looked down on them. Friendly but professional, respectful, and capable—these attributes made a difference in a case.

Nutsbe turned his attention to the door opening behind the judge’s bench.

A woman moved into the courtroom and walked over to the bailiff. There was a whispered conference. The woman waddled back through the door to the judge’s chambers, shutting it firmly behind her.

The bailiff moved to the front of the judge’s bench, looking first at Olivia and then at the defense attorney.

“Ladies and gentlemen, Judge Madison was called away to a family emergency. Court is in recess. Please check in with the courts by seven o’clock in the morning to see if the trial will continue tomorrow.”

Candace whipped her head toward Olivia. “That’s it? No court today?”

“No. I’m sorry. I know this is hard, but we—”

Without letting Olivia finish, Candace turned on her heel and hustled from the courtroom with Beowolf trotting beside her.
