Page 82 of Shadow Beasts

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Paige leapt from her seat and paced the floor. “Yes! Yes, I’m sure. Chittering noise, definitely. Also, ‘webbed feet’ rings a bell. I don’t know why, but that seems right to me.”

Dewey drew in a deep breath. “Okay, then we have our beast.”

“What is it?”

Dewey circled the line on his notepad. “Day-walking vampire.”

Paige wrinkled her nose at the description, plopping into her chair. “Day-walking vampire? Like Blade?”

“Who?” Dewey questioned as he pulled another reference book toward him and flipped through the pages.

“Blade. Wesley Snipes. Day-walking vampire.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Really? You’ve never seen Blade?”

Dewey shot Paige a glance before he pulled a laptop toward him and typed into the search bar. “Geez, Paige, how old are you?”

“Oh, stop it, everyone knows Blade.”

“I’ve never seen nor heard of it.”

Paige slapped her hand against the chair’s arm. “Well, I know what we’ll be watching on our first movie night.”

“Movie night?” Dewey questioned as he returned to flipping through pages of the book.

“Yeah. Movie night. Movies. Popcorn. Discussions. Bad jokes.”

Dewey froze, his eyes rising from the book to her face. “Really? I mean, it sounds swell, but… Well, I’ve never had one before. I just sit here alone and watch things.”

“Well, now you can watch them with me. And,” she said, dangling the pet carrier from her finger, “with our new disguise, you can even spread out at my place and watch them.”

“And we can order pizza from Cheesy Does It.”

Paige puckered her lips and nodded.

“But first, we need to save your life. I wouldn’t want you to die before you can have me over for movie night.”

“Right,” Paige said, slapping her palms against her thighs. “Okay, what do we need to heal a wound from a day-walking vampire?”

Dewey found the correct page and traced a finger down it to find the correct entry. “Here we go. Wounds inflicted by day-walking vampires.”

He froze, his fleshy teal finger stuck in one spot on the paper.

“Well? What is it? Another painful serum thing?”

Dewey’s features pinched as he shook his head. “No.”

“Then what?”

Dewey slowly raised his eyes to face her. He pressed his lips together in a thin line, swallowing hard before he spoke. “This says there is no cure.”


“What? What do you mean there’s no cure?” Paige’s eyes went wide, and she leapt from her seat with her fingers balled into fists.

Dewey’s ears wiggled again, though this time it did not make Paige giggle.

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