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Justin had such a beautiful chest, despite the scars and tattoos. She ran her hands over it, glorying in the sensation of his skin beneath her fingertips. His skin was a creamy golden color, warm and firm with muscle. In the confines of the tent, he looked even larger than normal. Carly’s breath came faster.

Justin traced the outline of her bra with his fingertip and looked up at her with a question in his eyes.

“Yes. Oh, God, yes.”

He slipped his hands around Carly’s back and fumbled with the clasp of her bra. He frowned in concentration, tugging at it this way and that. He muttered a curse and craned his neck to look over her shoulder.

The guy could pick a lock in seconds but couldn’t unhook a woman’s bra. His claim about being picky seemed much more legitimate at that moment.

“I’ll get it,” Carly reached up behind her back and unfastened it.

Justin swore again, softly, as she took it away. “God, Carly... You’re so beautiful.”

She knew she was anything but beautiful in her current state; her ribs were visible under her skin, and her hipbones poked up sharply. But she was touched and delighted he thought so. He bent his head to kiss, lick, and suck at her flesh until she forgot her thought, until she forgot everything, until she was squirming and moaning beneath him.

Justin popped the button on her jeans and unfastened her belt. She heard the sound of a zipper. Hers or his? It didn’t matter. Soon they were both bare, and she sighed in bliss at the sensation of his skin against hers. Her fingers dug into his back as his hands swept lower, and she explored him as well, making him moan, his hot breath tingling on her skin.

Justin reached beneath his pillow and pulled out a foil packet.

“Let me do it,” she said.

He handed it to her and lay back against the sleeping bag as she smoothed it over him. Justin didn’t roll back on top of her. Instead, he gripped Carly’s hips and guided her over him. They both sighed with pleasure when she settled down.

Carly had always felt slightly awkward in that position, but with Justin’s hands helping her keep the delicious rhythm, the way he leaned up so he could kiss her, and the way he enveloped her body with his own, she loved it.

He slipped a hand down between their bodies, and she burst into gasps of pleasure as her body pulsed with bliss. “Ah, fuck, Carly,” he ground out and then dropped his forehead against her shoulder while he shuddered.

They both sagged down onto the sleeping bag, limp and exhausted. She lay on his chest, gasping for air. He rolled over to gently deposit her on the sleeping bag. “Back in a moment,” he whispered and pressed a kiss to her lips.

Justin returned with a warm cloth and soft words. She let him take care of her, still floating in a humming cloud of pleasure. He unzipped the bag, tucked her inside of it, and pulled her bag over to zip them together. “Our bed, now,” he murmured.

Carly might have agreed. She wasn’t sure. She drifted off into a sweet sleep of comfort and good dreams.

“Morning, Carly.” Justin nibbled on her ear.

“Mmm,” Carly replied, snuggling closer to his warm body. And then she discovered he was a lot more awake than she was. She reached under the pillow and found another packet.

It was slow and sweet, and Carly dozed back off when he left the sleeping bag and waking when he came back with breakfast. She sat up and accepted the cup of coffee. She pushed her tumbled hair off her face and took a sip. “Delicious. Wow! Breakfast in bed. You could really spoil a girl, you know.”

“I’d like that,” Justin murmured. He lay down beside her with his own plate.

Carly heard sniffing outside the tent. “Is Sam mad he didn’t get to sleep in here last night?”

Justin chuckled. “Yeah, I’d say so. He gave me a rather indignant glare and refused to look at his breakfast bowl until I’d walked away. Shadowfax, on the other hand, seems to be cheering us on. She sniffed me and gave that snickering sound.”

“Well, as long as the horse approves.”

Justin seemed to have forgotten his own breakfast. “I haven’t seen you smile like that in weeks.”

“Hmm, I wonder what could have made me smile?” Carly stretched and sighed. Deliciously sore. She wondered if he’d be willing to give it another go before they broke camp.

Alas, no. They had slept in late and needed to get on the road. Carly picked up her pillow and saw five more condoms stashed beneath. She looked over at Justin in astonishment. “Were you just being really optimistic?”

Justin grinned. “Maybe a little.”

Carly grinned back at him. “You owe me five more.”

“That is a debt I will be glad to pay.” Justin cupped the side of her face in his hand and looked into her eyes, his own intent and searching. “No regrets?”
