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Justin said nothing. He was gently prodding Carly’s arm. He moved to her back, pressing all around the wound. He let out a relieved breath and handed Carly her shirt. He felt over Sam’s ribs with the same gentle prodding. Sam whined but endured it.

“There’s one hell of a vicious bite on that man’s shoulder.” He rubbed Sam’s ears gently. “Good boy, Sam.”

Carly started to pull her shirt back over her head and then recoiled from the blood. She tossed it aside with a grimace.

Justin scooped up the gun and helped Carly to her feet, keeping a grip on her forearm. Her body shook from adrenaline, and she felt a cold flutter in her stomach. “Is he dead?”

“Yeah, Carly. He’s dead.”

She nodded. “Excuse me.” She staggered over to the side of the road and lost her breakfast, from the pain as much as from the shock. She’d killed someone and it wasn’t even noon yet.

Justin’s large, warm hand was on her back. He held out a bottle of water to her. Carly took a small sip and swished out her mouth. She handed it back to him. “I’m sorry.”

“For wandering off like that? You should be. You nearly got yourself killed.”

“No, I mean for wussing out and getting sick.”

“I did the same thing.” He stared off into the distance for a moment and his voice was low and gruff. “The first time I killed someone, I puked, and then I cried. It’s not supposed to be easy, Carly.”

“Can we—Can we please move on, Justin?”

“Yeah, honey, we can. You want to rest for a minute?”

She shook her head and climbed onto her bike. As soon as she tried to lean forward to grip the handlebars, she knew she couldn’t do it. Pain ripped through her back where the board had struck her. She glanced over and saw Justin hadn’t tried to mount his own bike. He was watching her, waiting for her to say she couldn’t ride. But why?

Probably so he doesn’t have to listen to you yammer on about how you can do it, her mind helpfully supplied. She flushed and dismounted from the bike. The compassion in his eyes made it a bit worse. Was she really that predictable? She tried for dignity. “Should we set up camp here or try another one of those buildings?”

“I’m going to check out the houses. Rest here, all right?”

She nodded.

“Sam, stay,” he ordered and Sam gave a little “woof” of agreement. She leaned her bike against the wagon and sat down in its shade. Sam lay down beside her and pillowed his head on her thigh, though he remained alert, his ears locking in on any sound. He sighed, puffing air out the sides of his muzzle, and Carly stroked his head. “Thank you for coming to rescue me. I hope your ribs aren’t hurt.”

He licked her hand.

“It’s so strange,” she told him. “It’s already starting to feel like a dream I had instead of reality. I know I had to, but...” She swallowed past the lump in her throat. “But it doesn’t make it any easier. Do you think he had family? Friends? At one time, I bet he did. Before the Infection, at least, even if he doesn’t now.”

Gravel crunched and she looked over her shoulder to see Justin approaching. She stood.

“I found us a house,” he said. “And I’ve got a wonderful surprise for you.”

She followed him up the hill without much interest. They walked inside the house, and Justin flipped a switch. The lights came on.

Carly jumped and gasped. “How is this possible?”

“There was an article on the refrigerator. They have a micro-hydro station. The electricity is generated by the creek, powering a turbine.”

“Oh my God, Justin, does this mean...”

He grinned at her. “Hot showers!”

Carly burst into tears.

Justin took her into his arms and stroked her hair. “Hey, honey, no reason to cry.”

But she couldn’t stop. A tumult of emotions, into which guilt and some leftover adrenaline were stirred, had broken loose, and she had to get them out. He murmured to her while she wept and waited until the storm had passed. He led her to the living room and instructed her to lie down on the sofa. Sam lay down on the floor right in front of her, his head pillowed on his paws.

Justin returned in a moment with a few bags of frozen vegetables in his hands.
