Page 45 of Grizz

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“Right, what’s the problem with that?”

I shrug, waiting for him to top up my glass before knocking it back. “I mean, full on avoid her. I think she wants her out the club.”

He scoffs. “First of all, Luna is part of the club, so that ain’t gonna happen. Until Danii becomes something more, Luna stays.”

“Tell me what to do,” I say, sighing heavily.

“How can I when you won’t admit how you feel for Luna?” He rolls his eyes in annoyance. “You like her. What’s stopping you going for it?”

“Danii,” I point out. “I like her, Pres, and she likes me too.”

“So, what’s the problem? Move Luna back to her old room and avoid her.” The thought makes me ache. The idea of having her away from me is harder than it should be.

“It sounds sick when I say this, but Luna is like my mum, and at first, I wanted to help her better herself. But now, I want to be there to see her change. She’s like an addiction.”

“And what if she doesn’t wanna change?”

“Who wants to fuck for a living, Pres?”

“London, Siren, Foxy . . . I have lots of girls who wanna fuck for a living, Grizz. You have the problem with that, not them. If they hated this life, they’d save their money from Zen and get the fuck out of here.”

“She’s different,” I mutter.

“Different because you like her, Grizz,” he snaps. “Fucking wake up.”

“I can’t be with her,” I snap back. “The thought of all the men she’s . . .” I trail off. “I hate knowing that most of my brothers have been inside her, okay. And who the fuck knows how many others. You heard Reaper—he’s been there, and so has half his club.”

“Do you know how many men Danii’s slept with?”

“No, I haven’t asked.”

“But there could have been loads, right?”

“It’s different,” I say. “If I get with Luna, all my brothers will look at us together and know what it was like to fuck my old lady. I can’t handle that.”

“So, you’re gonna let jealousy win?”

I give a nod. “Yes, I am. I can’t spend my life wondering if every man she passes has fucked her. Do you know what that’ll do to me? Just the thought makes me sick to my stomach.”

Axel glances over my shoulder and his expression changes. “Fuck. Luna, wait,” he calls, jumping off his stool. I spin too, watching as she marches towards the exit with Ivy in her old pushchair. “Go after her,” Axel barks, shoving me. “She heard what you said.”

I run after her, catching her as she’s mid-march across the car park. “Is it too much to hope you didn’t overhear that?” I ask, wincing.

“In the last twenty-four hours, I’ve heard so much from your mouth I wish I hadn’t,” she says coldly.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

She stops, spinning to face me. “I heard you last night with Danii. And I heard every word just now. And I shouldn’t be mad because everything you said is true, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t hurting.”

“Look, I’m sorry. I can’t help the way I feel.”

She gives a stiff nod. “And I can’t help my past.” She continues on, walking through the gate.

“Where are you going?”

“Away from here,” she mutters. “It was a mistake coming back.”

I rush after her again. “You can’t be serious.”
