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I love it all, of course, but the best thing all that money was able to buy was peace of mind. We are untouchable, as Ivan promised me. There’s nobody in the world that can get to us in our charming estate, and even when we go out, we’re protected from every angle.

No security is too much security in Ivan’s eyes, and even though I fear the boys growing up with a warped sense of what is normal, it’s something they’ll learn more about and understand on a deeper level as they get older.

We’re in the Bratva. Life isn’t going to be normal, and I wouldn’t want it to be.

As I fetch Dimitri, I go through everything Ivan has said to me in the past few days. It does feel like he’s been hinting at something, a change of some sort, but he hasn’t told me what. That must be what the surprise is about, and it involves everyone.

Dimitri is in the kitchen, standing on a chair and attempting to stick his fingers into the pie cooling on the counter.

“Oh, no you don’t,” I say, snatching him off the chair.

He whimpers, but I know he’s not really sad. He never really cries, showing the same strength and resilience that Ivan has. Those boys don’t ever give up when they want something. Just like Ivan knew he was going to finish the research for Project G, Dimitri knows he’s going to get a taste of that pie.

But it won’t be now. I carry him outside, setting him down on the grass where Ivan is telling the other two a story about a bear he supposedly saw in the woods. I’m always concerned they’re going to be scared by his stories, especially since he tells them in such an over-the-top manner, but they hang on every word with joyful awe.

Once the story is done, Ivan looks up at me with mischief sparkling in his beautiful green eyes. “The bear in the woods gave me a little piece of advice before he left. Do you want to know what it is?”

The triplets nod, and I find myself drawn into the story as well, nodding with them.

Ivan smiles, reaching behind his back. “The bear told me that if you really love someone, you make sure they know it. I figured… what better way to do that than to ask you to marry me.”

I gasp as he drops down to one knee, pulling out a ring that puts all others to shame. The diamond in the middle glitters in a rainbow hue, scattering reflections across the grass around him.

“Lily, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

Tears form in my eyes as I nod, and the triplets giggle in delight. I’m sure they don’t know the full extent of what’s happening, but they know daddy is making mommy happy, and that delights them more than anything else.

I rush into Ivan’s arms. “Yes, yes, yes!”

He holds me, and the boys come up from behind to complete the family hug.

We’re powerful on our own, but together, we’re unstoppable.

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