Page 35 of No Secrets

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“It could be one special agent impeding the investigation,” Ryan said. “Doesn’t need to be the whole team. One guy, or gal for that matter, who conveniently hides evidence or files false reports, and the whole case is stuck.”

Shit. They were absolutely right, and that insight changed everything. If Whitman had a fed on his payroll, what were the odds he had more than one? Or maybe a judge or two? Considering the scope of his criminal activities, a lot of people had to have looked the other way, either passively or actively.

That meant Roman was fighting an uphill battle to build the case against Whitman. He wasn’t giving up, but maybe it was time to use some of the senator’s methods against him. “Whitman’s the target. We take the bastard down with whatever means we have.”

He breathed out. A weight had been lifted off his shoulders. He wasn’t fighting alone anymore.

“The risks are considerable.” Roman’s gaze swept across the men who had become his allies. “Going after Whitman is lighting a fuse on a powder keg. Once he finds out we’re not giving up and are intensifying our efforts, he will come after us, and what he’s done to me so far will be child’s play. I need you all to be aware of that.”

The others showed nothing but determination, not even a hint of fear. “Bring it on,” Ryan said, and it felt like he was speaking for everyone.

“Your support means more than you know,” Roman said, his tone soft. “I can’t do this alone. I’ve tried, and I’m exhausted.” He met their eyes one by one, the loyalty reflected on their faces steeling his resolve. “In this case, justice has a price tag, and I’m ready to pay it. Whitman’s corruption is a cancer in our system, and if we don’t cut it out, it’ll spread. The man is rumored to run for president. We can’t let that happen.”

“Then it’s settled,” Wander said with a decisive nod, sealing the deal. “We dig up everything—every dirty transaction, every illicit deal, every threat he’s ever made against anyone. Hell, we drill down to the goddamn center of the Earth if we have to and build a case so tight not even Coldrick can shield him and wiggle her way out of it.”


Caleb leaned back in his chair, inhaling the rich scent of roasted garlic and thyme. The dining room was a study in contrasts—dark wood panels set against the soft glow of flickering candles, making shadows dance on the walls. The mahogany table groaned under the weight of the feast spread before them. Gleaming porcelain plates held succulent slices of prime rib, beautifully pink in the center and perfectly charred at the edges. A colorful array of side dishes accompanied the main course: creamy mashed potatoes with flecks of chive, crisp asparagus spears glistening with butter, and a tangy cranberry relish that added a pop of color and flavor. Jesse’s staff had once again gone all out on their Friday evening meal, as had become their custom.

Laughter bubbled up like uncorked champagne, the mood in the group light and easy after their hard work that day. For three days, they’d been digging into Whitman’s background, and with every shovel they unearthed, they’d found more dirt beneath it. It had been sobering to realize how much work they’d have to do to serve Whitman the ice-cold justice he had coming to him. But for now, they relaxed.

Conversation flowed easily, punctuated by bursts of laughter and the clink of cutlery. The faces of Caleb’s companions were relaxed and open. It was rare to find such camaraderie, and he knew how lucky he was to have found these men. They’d become like family to him. As close as he was with his parents, he loved these men like brothers. Well, brothers he had sex with anyway.

Only one thing—person—was missing. Roman.

“Man, this is what I call a meal,” Ryan said as he forked a generous portion of beef onto his plate.

“Only the best for you.” Jesse affectionately scratched David’s head. The sub was kneeling next to Jesse’s chair, deeply content to sit there and be hand-fed by his Dom.

Caleb cleared his throat. “Anyone know where Roman is?”

“Probably in his room, working,” Wander responded, the lines around his eyes deepening. “The case has been eating him alive.”

A knot tightened in Caleb’s gut. If what they had already discovered ate at him, how much more would it affect Roman? The man looked like he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders again. He’d been more relaxed after that incredible scene they’d shared, but the stress relief had been short-lived.

“Should we send him a plate?” Alex suggested, his voice tinged with worry.

The laughter died down, the mood somber as they all considered Roman’s absence. Caleb could almost see the weight of the case in the empty chair at the head of the table. It loomed over them, unspoken yet oppressive.

“Man’s burning the candle at both ends,” Ryan said. He took a bite of his steak and chewed thoughtfully. “Can’t be good for him.”

Caleb curled his fingers around his fork, the metal cool and unyielding. He wanted to do something, anything, to ease Roman’s burden. Should he offer to do another scene with him?

“Roman’s tough, but he’s human,” Wander said. “This case…it’s personal. He won’t back down, not until it’s done.”

“Maybe he needs an outlet.” Ryan shot a pointed look at Alex. “A way to let off steam.”

“What are you suggesting?” Wander leaned back, arms crossed.

“I’m suggesting Alex.” Ryan gestured at his boyfriend with a sly tilt of his head. “My little slut’s been eager to have a go at that big cock the man reportedly has. Could help Roman unwind.”

Caleb clenched his hands. Alex? But…but why Alex? Sure, he was a slut, and Ryan did like to share him, but why would it have to be Alex? Caleb had already played with Roman. He knew him better than anyone here did, especially Alex, who’d barely exchanged more than a few words with him. And Wander had sent Caleb that first night. Not Alex, not anyone else. Caleb. So wasn’t Roman his responsibility now?

Wander grinned. “I’d be okay with that. You excited to whore out your boyfriend, Ryan?”

Ryan ruffled Alex’s hair, whose face was as red as a beet. “What can I say? I like to see him get used.”

Caleb’s gut twisted. The thought of Roman with Alex… A shiver of wrongness raced through him. He didn’t want the image in his head of Roman’s hands on someone else, of Roman finding solace in another’s submission. It was like a punch to his chest, stealing his breath.
