Page 66 of Bound By Magic

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“That’s not meant to be like that…”

“What isn’t?”

“It’s hard to explain. Hold on.”

Casting my gaze across, I saw the rooftop of the building I was meant to get to, but I saw something else, as well. A shimmering field of light surrounded the building’s outer walls. It looked like an updraft of wind and sparkling lights that hugged the walls and rushed upwards, dissipating as they reached the top.

“I can see the magic field around the temple,” I said.

“Can you breach it?”

“I won’t have to. The rooftop is unprotected… except for the door I need to use to get inside. There’s magic around it.”

“Come back. I don’t want you crossing the threshold if there’s magic around it.”

I shook my head. “No, I can get inside.”

“You can?”

“What I’m seeing aren’t the magic wards themselves, but the reflection they cast on the Ether. The wards won’t have any power over my ethereal body.”

“How do you know that?”

“Same reason your father needs the amulet to get into my house. Not even Ethera magic can survive in the Ether.”

“Are you sure the Recondites don’t have some kind of power you don’t?”

“I’m not, but there’s only one way to find out.”

“Bee, stop. I don’t want you going over.”

“You can boss me around in the bedroom, but not out here. Standby.”


I didn’t listen to him. All it took was a thought, barely more than a wish, and I was able to cross the distance between buildings. I found myself on the other rooftop in an instant, standing next to the shadow of the Recondite guard stationed here.

I watched him carefully, got close to him, waved my hand in front of his face. If he could see me, he wasn’t reacting.

“He can’t see me,” I said.

“Who can’t?”

“The guard.” I backed away from him and turned around. Ahead of me I saw the door that led into the temple. “I’m going to try to get inside.”

“I think this is a terrible idea.”

“It might be, but I’m pretty confident about this.”

“Will we lose contact once you get in?”

“I… don’t know,” I said, as I walked toward the door. “I don’t see why we would.”

“If we do… don’t do anything stupid.”


“What I mean is, don’t get caught, and don’t get hurt.”
