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Looking down, I step over the bastard. Dead or not, I don’t care. He is out of my way.

Looking up, another peeks in and examines the area. He is smart because once he has taken the scene around him in, he holds his hands up in surrender. Very smart. Which is relatively shocking since this group is known for following.

Passing him, my body brushes against his. His gasp is audible.

Good. He should be pissing himself while thanking his merciful God that he lives to tell the tale of what he saw here today.

As I walk away down the dimly lit hall, I drag my bat behind me and I shout back, taunting him and whomever else may be lurking, “Go on. Call Master. Tell him what a very bad boy I have been. You have not seen shit yet, if a hair on her head is touched, you better hide.”

I am coming back for you, little bat.

Chapter 8


“Wake up, princess.”

A loud feminine voice shouts at me, which wakes me from my sleep. My eyes are heavy and my body, which is still covered in dry blood, is feeling exhausted. Why can’t they just leave me alone?

Slowly, I open my eyes, the torch is still lit and illuminating my cell. The steel door is open, with a single individual standing in the small opening.

“Get up.” She snaps at me.

Like the others, she is dawning the long black robe, and a white mask with gold accents, with the hood over her head.

Laying on my side, I roll over slightly and place both hands on the earth next to me. I try to push myself up, which is harder than anticipated, and my muscles shake as I rise. It hurts, but I push through it, not wanting her to see how weak I am really feeling. I have a feeling that is the kind of shit they get off on.

The lady moves towards me and my heart races, panicking that I have upset her. Moving quicker, I push through the pain and exhaustion. I am on my hands and knees, as I start to rise. With the panic, my lip quivers as I see more of my mom’s blood still on me. I can still picture them killing her. She couldn’t escape, they held her down and pushed a blade through her throat. But she was strong until the end, not letting them see her scared, only strong. Which is what I need to be if I am going to survive this.

The lady moves out of the way of the opening and lets me pass her.

“Walk in front of me. Don’t try anything, princess. I am authorized to punish you if you do.” She threatens.

I nod in response and begin walking through the passage and hallways in front of her. She doesn’t speak, only keeping her hand on my shoulder, guiding me where to go. As we walk into this larger space, it looks all too familiar to me. We are back where it all began.

Looking around the space, I notice the candles are lit, and the fire still roars, but not as many people fill the space this time. In the middle of the room is a large copper tub filled with water. My eyes then wander to where my mother was killed, it still has stained blood around the area.

I need to be strong, I cannot cry in front of these people.

“Principessa Oscura,” my father greets me with his smug voice. Looking in his direction, he is also dressed like the others. I don’t respond, instead waiting to hear what he has to say. The room is quiet.

“It is time for your cleansing, undress.”

My face scrunches up with confusion. He must notice as he begins walking towards me, “Don’t fight this. It will happen with or without your cooperation.” He barks, echoing in the cave.

“How do I know you’re telling the truth? That you are my father? I haven’t even seen a picture of you before.” I challenge him.

His bare hand reaches out and his fingers wrap around my neck, “How dare you question me? I am Master of The Chapel. The Dark One speaks to me. He told me where to find you and your evil, whore of a mother. Don’t you ever forget the powers I hold here. Never fucking question me again. Do you understand me, daughter?” I can feel the rage with each word.

Looking up at him, I nod my head and whisper, “Yes, sir. I understand.”

He lets me go, satisfied with my response but doesn’t step back.

A cold object touches my skin, it sends a chill down my spine. Looking down, he has a blade touching me, the tip of it is on my stomach where my skin is exposed.

“It is time for your cleansing, now fucking undress.”

With shaking hands, I bring them to the hem of my shirt, which is stiff from the hardened blood embedded into each bit of fabric, up off my body. It crunches, then flakes as I continue to remove it and lift it over my head, exposing my bare torso and breasts. The shirt falls to the ground next to me as I move on to my sleep shorts. He doesn’t move the blade.
