Page 32 of Vampire Secrets

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“Humans,” he added.

“Yes, humans,” I nodded.

“Those weaklings,” he snarled. “They don’t deserve anything other than to be slaves.”

“I will make sure that doesn’t happen,” I assured him. “Even if that means killing you.”

He smiled at this comment amused beyond belief. “Strange. I was thinking the same thing. Because… you see, I do not necessarily need you to make the prophecy come true. I just need your heart… beating or not.”

“My heart?” I repeated.

At that moment, more vampires emerged from the darkness. A chilling silence settled over us all. Their eyes gleamed with a deadly intent. It was clear that they had not come to listen to the rest of our conversation, which was already over. The sinister purpose behind their appearance sent a shiver down my spine.

My blade was still in my hand. I recognized the gravity of the situation. These vampires were all loyal to Constantine. They had made their choice, just like I had made mine. I was now a threat to them all. This haunting moment had become a battle, not only for my own survival, but also the survival of the world as we knew it and the safety of those I loved. I steeled myself for the impending confrontation.

The first vampire attacked, and I was ready. Now, there were just dozens more to go before I could finally reach Constantine and press my blade against his throat.

Chapter Twenty


“Fire! Fire! Help, fire!” I was banging loudly on the door, shouting this word over and over again.

That was the plan. If I shouted only help, they wouldn’t pay any heed. But shouting fire was something else. Unless they wanted to burn down to the ground with us, they would need to come and see what was going on. I instructed Cass to stand in the furthest corner of the room, while I waited behind the door, ready to attack.

“Fire!” I shouted again as loudly as I could. Finally, I heard the familiar sound of the key in the lock.

As soon as the door opened, I sprang into action. The unsuspecting vampire stepped through, only to find himself on the receiving end of my well-calculated strike. I lunged at him as hard as I could, my fists connecting with his jaw, in a precise blow. The element of surprise was my ally, and even his reflexes were no match for my determination to protect my daughter. He crumpled to the ground, momentarily incapacitated.

“Now!” I shouted at Cass, as she rushed towards me.

I grabbed her by the hand, determined not to let go. We ran out of the room, carefully looking around, expecting to see more vampires coming for us, but strangely, the long hallway was empty. Somewhere in the distance, I could hear the sounds of fighting.

“Over there!” I pointed in the direction where the sounds were coming from. I didn’t know why, but I was drawn to go there, as if some invisible force was leading me down a safe path. As we ran through the dimly lit hallways, our hearts were pounding in rhythm with the distant sounds of battle. The echoes guided our way like a beacon of hope in the midst of this eerie, abandoned structure, which we feared would become our resting ground.

As we ran, the hallway seemed to stretch endlessly, shadows flickering on the walls, and the air grew denser with every step. Fear and determination intermingled, propelling us forward. I had no idea where Adrian was, but the sound of fighting made me hopeful that he might have found us somehow.

We rounded a corner, our footsteps echoing on the weathered wooden floor, and there, in the distance, we could see the flicker of torchlight and hear the unmistakable sounds of a fierce confrontation. With newfound resolve, we quickened our pace, our hope of escaping the clutches of the vampires drawing nearer with every step.

We burst into the room at the end of the hallway, and there, a sight shocked us.

“Adrian!” I shouted, seeing his blade flash in the dim light as he engaged in fierce combat with the vampires that had captured us. His movements were bold and powerful, a display of his skill and determination, as he fought with unwavering resolve.

Our eyes locked for a moment, but he didn’t have time to respond. The shadows continued to dance with the ferocity of battle, but seeing him made me feel a renewed sense of courage.

“Stand behind me!” I urged Cass, as I grabbed a nearby plank, with a few nails sticking out of it and used it as a weapon, smacking it against the onslaught of vampires that had turned their attention to us.

We fought side by side, both of us determined to protect our family. The angry hiss of vampires filled my ears. In the midst of this chaos, my heart beat like a drum, pounding with a mixture of fear and determination. Every strike I made was fueled by the love I felt for the two people I was trying to protect, that instinct to keep them safe surging through me.

I could feel the weight of the plank in my hand, the strain of my muscles, and the rush of adrenaline as I met each vampire head on. The room seemed to blur as I fought with everything I had. Cass was constantly behind me, and Adrian was a steadfast presence by my side, his blade a glinting guardian in the darkness that threatened to swallow us whole. Together, as a united family, we faced the vampires with courage.

The room fell into an eerie stillness as the last vampire fell to the ground, defeated. Cass and I breathed heavily, the weight of the battle settling in as we caught our breath. The sense of victory was short-lived, for in the dim light, Constantine emerged from the shadows.

With a sinister intent in his silver eyes, Constantine reached out and, in a swift and unexpected move, grabbed Cass. My heart clenched in terror as I realized that he had managed to get the upper hand, despite our valiant efforts.

“Cass!” I shouted, wanting to run to her, but Adrian kept me in place.

“Mom!” Cass shouted back.

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