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He shook his head. "Only the one." He leaned in, mirroring her posture. "And I don't keep secrets from people I care about." His expression was grave as he reached across the table for her hand. "Especially not secrets that would hurt them. You can trust me, Colleen."

In that moment, even as the idea of giving her trust to any man scared the hell of her, she knew with every fiber of her being that it was true.

Later, full of sushi and a little tipsy from sake and beer, Colleen looped her arm through JT's as they made their way back to the hotel. She savored the feel of the night air on her face, and JT’s solid warmth against her side.

She couldn't remember a better night. And now that they could finally get into their room, it was going to get a hell of a lot better.

They entered the lobby and JT approached the registration desk to get their keys, then headed to the bell stand to get their bags.

They'd no sooner gotten into the empty elevator than JT pinned her up against the back wall and kissed her until she was dizzy. Or maybe that was the sake? Either way she opened her mouth eagerly, tangling her tongue with his as she ran her fingers through his thick, dark hair.

The elevator reached their floor and JT grabbed his duffel bag and the handle of her roller. He opened the door to the room, set aside the bags, and started to steer her to the king bed that dominated the room.

She stayed him with a hand on his chest. "I need to use the ladies real quick."

He gave her one more kiss and let her go. She paused to retrieve her toiletries from her suitcase and retreated to the bathroom. She used the toilet, brushed her teeth and tried clumsily to wipe away some of her eyeliner that had smeared.

When she came out he'd removed his boots and shirt. He pulled her against him and she gave a sigh of pleasure at the feel of his warm, smooth skin under her hands.

He kissed her, then smacked his lips, tasting her toothpaste. "Guess I better brush too. Don't want to be coming at you with my sushi breath."

"Don't be too long. I've got a surprise for you." As the bathroom door closed behind him, she opened up her suitcase and pulled out a black lacy slip and quickly changed into it.

It wasn't her usual nightwear—she was more of a tank top and boxers kind of girl. But she'd bought it last year with the intention of trying to spice up her and Gregory's flagging sex life.

But somehow, she'd never been able to bring herself to wear it. Something about the idea of having to seduce her own husband felt too awkward and contrived.

It wasn't long before she realized the reason he had lost interest in sex with her was because he was getting plenty of it from Angela.

She had all but forgotten about it when she'd found it the other day, buried at the bottom of her pajama drawer. The moment she pulled it out, she knew she wanted to wear it for JT. Maybe finding it was another one of Sarah's signs from the universe….

She started for the bed, catching herself on the corner as she stumbled. She pulled back the comforter and draped herself seductively (she hoped) across the bed.

JT was shoving his jeans off his hips as he walked through the bathroom door. He froze as he saw Colleen on the bed, illuminated by the shadowy light cast by the bedside lamp.

She lay on her back, one arm resting above her head, in a scrap of black silk that left most of her long legs bare. The lacy top offered a teasing glimpse of her soft breasts and dark pink nipples through the delicate fabric.

Already turned on when he'd gone into the bathroom, now he felt lightheaded as every drop of blood in his body flooded toward his cock. "Is this my surprise?" he said hoarsely. He frowned when there was no answer.

It was only when he got close enough to see her face clearly that he realized she was sound asleep.

JT woke up at the feeling of Colleen stirring next to him. He watched as her shadowy form slipped from the bed and into the bathroom. He flipped on the bedside lamp and waited for her to come out.

The door opened and he drank in the sight of her silhouetted in the bathroom door, wearing that tiny nothing of a nighty.

"Hey," he called.

"Hey." She looked deliciously rumpled as she padded back to the bed. "I'm sorry I conked out earlier." She climbed back in beside him and scooted close as he looped his arm around her waist.

"I admit it felt like the biggest damn tease in the world to find you sound asleep and wearing this." He hooked his finger under the thin strap that crossed her shoulder. "Was this my surprise?"

He curved his hand around her neck and pulled her in for a kiss.

"One of them," she whispered against his lips, parting hers for the gentle invasion of his tongue.

"I like it." He slid his hand down her back, to the curve of her waist, savoring the feel of her warm skin through the whisper thin silk.

She parted her legs, cradling him in between as she rocked herself against the rock-hard bulge straining the front of his boxer briefs. He groaned and kissed his way down her neck and chest. He reached up to cup one of her breasts in his hand, his thumb teasing the hard point of her nipple through the lace.
