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"I don't know. I've barely watched any TV since I've been here, so I'm way behind."

He thumbed down to a recording. "This was a really good one from last season."

As the familiar strains of the theme song filled the room, she let herself relax against him. They watched, howling with laughter at a character cleverly named "Dildo Schwaggins." The conversation they'd had earlier, and the memories it had dredged up, got pushed into the backdrop.

"This is nice," he whispered against her ear as he cued up another episode and tightened his arm around her shoulders.

And damned if he wasn't right. This was one of the things she'd missed since Gregory and she had split. Not Gregory specifically, but the experience of coming home and snuggling on the couch with someone and watching a movie or a TV show.

Frankie—at least before he'd abandoned Colleen for her mother—had been a pretty good couch companion, but there was no substitute for a heavily muscled male chest for her to rest her head against.

Not that she'd been able to do that much with Gregory, given the fact that he was rarely home in the evenings and often worked weekends. Maybe that was why that particular simple pleasure had been so precious to her, because she'd had so little of it.

With JT, you could do this every night, a sneaky little voice in her head needled her. Sure, he was crazy busy and worked long hours in the summers, but his hours were steady and he would always be home.

Not to mention his job wouldn't provide him an easy excuse to be out until all hours of the night and to travel to medical conventions.

She gave herself a mental slap. No matter how good it felt right now to be snuggled up on JT's couch with him, it wasn't worth risking getting hurt again.

But that didn't mean she couldn't enjoy this one night. She yawned and felt her eyelids grow heavy. Surely, after all she'd been through, she'd earned it.

At some point during their South Park binge she must have fallen asleep, because one minute she was watching an animated towel ask Cartman if he wanted to get high, and the next thing she knew, she was lying in bed, a warm, muscular body pressed against her back, a heavy arm wrapped around her waist.

She was in JT's bed. Somehow he had gotten her up here without her waking up. And he'd also managed to take off most of her clothes she realized, suddenly registering the fact that she was wearing only her bra and underwear.

She was in JT's house, in JT's bed. Once again it felt like she was crossing a boundary she was reluctant to cross. It was one thing to spend the night with him—JT routinely stayed in the cabin with her before sneaking out at the last minute—it was another thing to spend the night with him in his bed.

Another layer of intimacy she didn't want to foster.

She started to shift away, trying to slip out without waking him. The arm around her tightened as he stirred in his sleep. There was no way she could leave right now without waking him up.

And that would be rude, wouldn't it, given how late they'd stayed up and how early his alarm would go off?

She really should be courteous. At least, that's what she told herself as she let herself relax against the heat of his body, shifting so her butt was cradled against his hips. Surely he would roll over at some point and release his hold on her waist...

His alarm dragged her from a sleep so heavy she felt drugged. She felt him reach for the table on his side of the bed and seconds later, the electronic chimes ceased. Instead of rising though, he rolled back toward her and pulled her back against him.

His warm palm flattened against her belly, and he shifted his hips so she could feel the thick length of his cock pressed against the curve of her ass. Still half asleep, she chuckled "Someone's awake."

"This okay?" he whispered as his hand traveled lower, his fingers skimming against the waistband of her underwear.

She answered him by circling his wrist with her fingers and guiding him lower. His lips pressed hot against her bare shoulder as he slid his hand down the front of her panties, then his fingers parted her, circling her clit before moving lower. His satisfied sound rumbled through her at finding her slick and ready for him.

Moaning, she arched against his hand, keeping her eyes closed to hold onto the almost dream like state. Then, to her dismay, the hand was gone and there was more shifting behind her.

She bit her lip at the familiar ripping sound of foil, then felt his hands against her ass as he slid the condom on.

At his urging she lifted her thigh so it rested on his, and let out a satisfied sigh as he slid into her from behind. He took her with slow, deep thrusts while his fingers stroked her clit. Within moments she was panting, straining against him as her sex clenched and throbbed.

Seconds later, his hands gripped her hips hard as he stiffened and shuddered against her. He slipped his hand around her waist and pressed a kiss to her shoulder. "Be right back."

She rolled over on her back, admiring the taut muscles of his ass as he walked to the bathroom. He'd ditched the condom, she noticed, and his cock was still half hard between his legs. He came back to the bed and cupped her cheek in his big hand. "Now that I've brushed my teeth, I can give you a proper good morning kiss."

Before she could point out that she hadn't brushed her teeth, he pressed his mouth to hers. His tongue slid between her lips and she could taste the minty fresh taste of his toothpaste along with his unique flavor.

She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled him down against her as she sucked and stroked his tongue with her own. Had a man ever tasted so delicious? If so, she couldn't remember it.

She hooked her leg around his waist and shifted until his cock was pressing between her legs. She rocked her hips, sliding herself up and down, rubbing her clit against his rock-hard shaft until she was trembling and ready to come all over again.
