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"Oh, yeah, it's awkward coming face to face with one of your Eskimo sisters."

"Eskimo sisters?" he asked with at blank look.

"It's when two people have slept with the same person. Like, Gregory's fiancée Angela and I are Eskimo sisters."

He burst out laughing. "How do you even know that?"

"TV," she said with a little grin Then, knowing she should really nip this conversation about JT's sex life in the bud but unable to do so, she carried on. "So you said people. Like, how many?"

"Not that many. Like I said, I figured out pretty quickly it makes things complicated. Even before I started dating my ex, things could get... awkward."

"So are things 'awkward,'" she made little air quotes, "with anyone here now?"

"No—not that it's your business."

"No, it's not. I'm just giving you a hard time."

"You're good at that," he said with a grin.

"Well, when you grow up with a big brother like Liam, you have to learn to give it as well as you take it."

"As big brothers go, Liam seems pretty cool."

She thought about her brother and smiled. "Yeah, for all his rough edges, he's always looked out for me."

"Speaking of big brothers..." JT said with a grimace. "Cort and his family are coming to visit in a couple of weeks."

"You sound so excited."

His shrug made the muscles of his shoulders ripple under the soft cotton of his shirt. "Cort and I... we don't always see eye to eye. And even though he's busy running his hedge fund and making money hand over fist, he likes to tell us all how to run the business."

"He always was kind of a know it all." Two years older than JT, Cort Osborne was the complete opposite of his younger brother. Where JT had been chubby and a little awkward, Cort was one of those guys who had been born good looking and never went through an awkward phase. A star athlete and a good student, he had been extremely popular.

Even though Colleen was four years younger and hadn't hung out with him much, he knew that he had let his good looks and popularity go to his head. Sounded like he hadn't changed much.

A few of the guests started trickling in, and JT made conversation for a few minutes before he excused himself to go back to his office.

A few hours later, the bar was full again with guests coming in for their post-evening ride drinks.

"Hey, can I get an amber ale?"

"Of course," Colleen said and returned Jake Williams's smile. He'd arrived earlier in the week with his brother, Ryan. Over the course of their conversations she'd learned that he lived outside of San Francisco where he and his brother had started a tech company.

"Thank you." He closed his eyes as he took his first sip, as though it was the best thing he had ever tasted. "This is local, right?"

"Yep. From the Black Tooth brewing company right down on Main Street?"

"You know if they're looking for an investor?" He laughed.

"No idea, but it wouldn't hurt to ask."

"Maybe you could go in with me later this week, help me taste some of the product."

It took her a minute to realize he was asking her out. Now that was interesting... In his mid-thirties, Jake, with his head of thick light brown hair and soulful brown eyes was definitely not bad looking. "Maybe so," she said with a smile and turned to wait on another guest.

Over the woman's shoulder she caught JT staring hard enough at Jake's back to bore a hole through it.

This evening was getting more interesting by the minute.
