Page 73 of Calder

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“And Dom?” Her eyes find my nephew across the room, who is looking down at his scuffed Converse.

He knows the story of his biological mother, but I know deep down that kid needs a mom.

“And Dom.” I pick her up and hold her tightly to my chest.

Her little arms go around my neck, as she hugs me just as tight.

“Love you, Uncle Calder.”

Shit, emotion clogs my throat. “I love you too, Miss Adley.”

“Okay, enough of this mushy shit,” Risky calls through to the room.

“Way to ruin a sweet moment there.” I look over to her, seeing her wink at me.

“Been ruining things before you were born, kid. Ask your Pres.” The smirk she gives makes everyone chuckle, but Magnum shakes his head at his woman, pulling her to him, kissing the side of her head.

“I think this one needs a diaper change,” Kady says to my left.

Adley pulls back to look at my woman holding my son, her nose wrinkling in disgust.

“Eww, boys stink.” Pinching her nose, she whines.

“They do don’t they, but I am the best uncle ever, so I don’t count right?” I ask her, tickling her side, making her giggle.

“No, you stink too.” She giggles louder.

I huff, moving so that my armpit is closer to her; she squeals with laughter, pushing my arm away.

“You need to make sure that I don’t smell. Please, Adley, do me a solid, sweet pea. Do I smell?”

“No, go way. You stink and you are hairy. Eww.” Everyone laughs.

“I am not hairy. I am not a smelly, hairy llama,” I protest to her, making her giggle more.

“Smelly llama.” She laughs louder as she says this.

I pretend to drop her at her words, and my heart soars with love for this little girl hearing her scream in delight, because we always play this game.

“Freaking hell, Calder, you can’t do that shit. My heart just about stopped,” Kady gripes at me, rocking gently back and forth with Kane pressed against her chest securely.

People laugh, while I just grin at her, as she shakes her head at me.

I pass a still giggling Adley off to Travis, moving closer to my girl.

“Come on, let’s take our boy to get him cleaned up.” Her eyes widen slightly in shock at me calling Kane ‘ours’ but I don’t draw attention to it. I let it go for now, keeping the smile on my face.

Kady may say she is scared but I see a true nurturing side coming through. I will never push her into something she doesn’t want. If at any time she wants to step back I will let her, but fuck me, she needs to learn that I will fight for her, and I always fight dirty, because I know she likes me dirty.



Knocking on the door, I survey a pile of boxes stacked on a platform trolley that I use to cart the boxes around.

Smiling down at them I feel my pride swell, and my body finally breathe a sigh of relief. The baby shower and wedding favors are all finished and ready.

This woman has single-handedly paid me enough for all of these that I do not have to work for the next two months. The specifics of what she wanted were off the charts, but hey, I do love a challenge.
