Page 11 of Calder

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While waiting for more bubbles to form, I add some flowers to heart-shaped place card holders for a wedding in a few weeks.

Before I can do any more the alarm goes off, letting me know that someone just walked into my storefront. I pull off my mask, then my gloves, before checking my appearance in the mirror that I had added for such an occasion as this.

With a quick wash of my hands, I step into my old garage that I converted into a storefront as it was cheaper than paying rent or buying one.

I see a very good-looking guy standing by the shelves that hold my dragon resin designs. He picks one up, inspects it, then places it back down gently. I smirk because everyone thinks that resin is delicate like glass but believe me, I have dropped many designs over the years and they just bounce, not shatter.

“Hi, can I help you?” I call to him.

He spins around and holy moly, he is fine. Smiling at me he reminds me of the actor Taye Diggs, wide bright smile with big, wonderful eyes.

“Hey, these are amazing. You made these?” He points to my art while walking towards me behind the counter.

“I did, yes.” Pride washes over me.

It does every time someone compliments me on my designs. Some can be super hard to get just right, from the color, to the bubble sand, to the items that I put in the liquid.

“Wow.” He picks up a male form that is filled with rainbow layers.

Cocking an eyebrow at me, I grin.

“One of my best sellers.”

“I can see why.” He laughs.

“So, what can I help you with today?”

“My sister is graduating high school and I wanted to get her a keepsake, so to speak. You know, something that will mark the event but also not be left behind, but something she will be proud to display,” he explains, leaning his hip against my counter.

I know what he is thinking. I have done many graduation gifts before, some that have been simple yet beautiful while others have been very intricate.

“Is she going to college? Does she have her future planned out?”

“She wants to become a personal chef, so she will be attending a culinary school.”

“Wow, that is amazing. Let me think.” I tap my chin with my index finger.

I think of what I can do that will link to cooking but is not a food mold. Then it hits me. I smile at him and walk over to one of my storage cupboards, pulling out a utensil set that I did many moons ago but the lady who ordered it never came to collect.

“What about something like this?” I turn to show him.

His face lights up and I see that it was the right choice.

“That would be amazing; she would love that.”

“Okay, I will make her a new one, let me know her favorite colors. If she likes glitter or has favorite flowers, I can add some of those in also. Make it personal to her from you.”

He nods his head, as I walk back to my counter and pull out my order form book. We go through what he thinks she will like and what date he needs it by. We flirt a little, and to say that I like it is an understatement.

“You don’t have a ‘no dating a customer’ policy, do you?” He grins and I want to swoon, but someone else’s face pops into my head.

Fuck no, not today, Satan-Calder.

I know that nothing will come of me and Calder. He likes to fuck random women too much to stick to one person and that is okay, that is his niche. He may flirt but he does that with everyone, I am no one to him.

Shaking my head, I giggle. “No policy like that.”

“Phew, that is good. I would like to buy you a drink, maybe dinner sometime.”
