Page 20 of The Vampire's Mate

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Then, euphoria.

I feel like I’m floating as every one of my pleasure receptors sparks with electricity. Jesse’s cock swells inside me just before my orgasm rips through my body, tearing me apart at the seams. I’m pretty sure my heart stops for a moment, then beats back to life as wave after wave of ecstasy washes over me.

“Eden,” he groans against my neck before driving into me one last time and freezing.

I barely register the movement when he eventually rolls off me. I’m vaguely aware that he pulls me against him, tucking my head against his shoulder as his strong arm curls around my back. I feel high as a kite, like that time I broke my ankle and the hospital gave me morphine for the pain.

Jesse is like a strong narcotic. My drug of choice. And I can see myself getting completely and irrevocably addicted.

In what feels like a few seconds later, I blink my eyes open, and there’s soft light streaming through my bedroom window. I feel disoriented for a moment, wondering how I got here, and then it all comes back in a flash.

Jesse. Here, with me. Several orgasms…and his bite.

I sit upright, and my hand flies to my neck, but there’s no pain. I look around the room frantically, but there’s no sign of him.

Did I dream the whole thing? Is my mind even capable of coming up with such a vividly detailed fantasy?

My eyes land on my nightstand. There’s a glass of orange juice resting atop it, a scrap of paper leaning against the glass. Picking it up, I read the elegant cursive scrawl.

Drink up. You need to replenish your strength.


I lay back against the pillows as I read the words again and again. He was here. It was real. All of it.

I had the best sex of my life…with a vampire. I let him bite me, and it was inconceivably erotic. Breathtakingly pleasurable.

And I know I’m going to want it again. And again.

And that scares me more than Jesse’s sharp, piercing fangs ever did.



When Sebastian’s hands cooled my skin, I groaned at the small relief his touch gave. But that relief was short-lived as his tongue made my body hum with––

I throw myself back against the couch cushions with a sigh. My writing is shit today, and I blame Jesse.

Our time together last night poked some holes into my previous theories about sex with a vampire, but I can’t change up my descriptions to be more accurate now. I’m several books deep into this series, and this sexy vamp has made his love interest come more times than I can count…my readers will notice if I suddenly change everything.

But I have a feeling it wouldn’t matter what I’m writing today. Focusing is impossible when all I can think about is last night. The feel of Jesse’s hands on me. His lips. His cock.

His fangs, and the euphoria his bite conjured within me.

I still can’t believe I allowed him to do that. Hell, if I’m being honest with myself, I begged for it. I don’t regret it. Not even for a second. It felt even more amazing than he’d described, and I’m already desperate for a repeat performance.

And that kind of scares me.

I’m usually a pretty rational person. I walk this earth with my eyes wide open, and I can clearly see there’s no real future between myself and a vampire. How can there be?

He existed long before I did, and he’ll be here long after I’m gone. He’s worldly and infinitely more experienced than me, and even if that doesn’t matter, there is one thing that certainly does…he’s the heir to the vampire throne.

And his father wants him home.

Jesse won’t be able to put off the king for much longer, which means he’ll be leaving soon. He won’t be able to stay here, with me, for much longer. And if I allow myself to become addicted to him, I might fall apart when he leaves.

So, I’m sitting here, trying to put last night out of my mind while I write this scene about a human woman getting naked and dirty with a vampire. Impossible.
