Page 100 of The Vampire's Mate

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“It’s already unraveling. Better to let the binding magic dissolve on its own as she explores her magic than try to forcibly remove it. Without knowing the caster or the magic used to create the spell, attempting to unbind her could cause mental and physical damage,” Bernadette says, answering Steph’s question.

“I need a minute,” I say, after a long pause.

“Of course,” Bernadette says, reaching out to squeeze my hand. “If you have any questions, come find me.”

I nod, and she turns on a heel before leaving the bathroom. Steph lunges forward, wrapping me in a warm hug and kissing my cheek before dancing out after her aunt. I look at Jesse with wide eyes.

“I’m a witch.”

He pulls me into his arms, surrounding me with his hard body. I burrow my face into his chest, and he kisses the top of my head.

“We’ll figure this out,” he murmurs into my hair.

“I love you, Jesse,” I mumble back, my eyes burning with so many emotions, I can’t decipher them all.

“I love you, too, Eden. We’ll get through this. Together.”



Thank God for Jesse’s strong arms around me, because if I were left untethered, I might float away on a sea of fear and confusion. So many thoughts swirl through my head as I stare at the ceiling above the bed, my mate curled around me and holding me tightly against him.

I’m a witch.

And apparently my bloodline is a strong one, given the way neither vampires nor witches could sense the magic in me. Hell, Jesse never even tasted it in my blood, which should have been impossible.

How did I break through bindings that strong, all on my own? How did I create magic despite them?

“If you speak your thoughts aloud, we can discuss them and work through them together.”

I turn my head to meet Jesse’s dark gaze. “Sorry, I got a little lost in my own head.”

“I want to help. Tell me what you’re thinking.”

I roll to my side so we’re facing each other. “I’m more confused than anything. How am I a witch? Were my biological parents witches? They must have been, right?”

I told Jesse about my childhood one night when we were cuddling just as we are now. I was adopted as a newborn. My parents were older when they decided to adopt, already in their early forties after having exhausted every avenue to having a biological child of their own. They loved me fiercely and unconditionally, giving me a wonderful start to life.

They always told me I was their miracle. They were having trouble with the adoption process because of their ages––most women giving up their babies wanted a younger couple. And just when they started to lose hope, I was found on the steps of a local church. My parents’ caseworker worked double-time to get them at the top of the list to adopt me, and I was placed with them.

I had a great life with them, then lost them to a car accident when I was twenty-two. They were both only children, so I don’t have any extended family, and I’ve been on my own since their deaths.

“I would say that’s probable,” Jesse says, answering my last question. “Given the strength of the bindings around your magic and your ability to break through them on your own, I’d say you were born into a very powerful bloodline.”

Another thought hits me, and I bite my lower lip before asking, “Do you think that’s why Steph and I were drawn to each other? Because of our magic? I was a total introvert when I met her, but something between us clicked and I immediately felt at ease. Like we were meant to be best friends, or something.”

“It’s possible,” Jesse says slowly, “but don’t let that diminish the love you have for her. You didn’t feel that instant kinship with Tamelen, and she was a witch, too. What you and Steph have is real.”

He’s right, and I let that worry slip away only for another to pop up in its place.

“What about you and me?” I ask, my voice barely above a whisper.

“What about us?” he asks, smoothing my hair back from my face with gentle fingers.

“Can a vampire and a witch be together? I mean, we’re supposed to be mortal enemies, right?”

Jesse’s face softens as his fingers curl around the back of my neck in a comforting embrace. “Nothing can diminish the love I have for you, Eden. And, yes, a relationship between our kinds is unprecedented, but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong. We’re mates, remember? Fate brought us together and linked us in an unbreakable bond. You and I are meant to be.”
