Page 74 of Tats

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The woman is family to me. She opened her arms without a second thought and treated me like I was her own.

"How long do you think they'll be in there for?"

I smile at Noah's question and reply, "However long it takes to convince Jayden to stay in the club."

He nods and whispers, "I wish I could leave the club," making me and Liv both still at his words.

I swallow hard and wrap my arm around his shoulders, his Grams watching me as I rasp, "Why is that, sweetheart?"

He sniffles and admits, "Because Quinn would be my momma now instead of just my teacher. She only wants to see me at school now."

I wince but kiss his head and say, "Quinn loves you more than life, Noah. She's just trying to do what's best for you."

"But-but I want her as my momma. Daddy hurt her; the club hurt her."

I flinch at his words. They remind me of why Jayden didn’t want me and the club together.

I pull him back a little, flinching at the pain in my ribs, and I state, "Quinn would never allow anyone to keep her away from you. It's just easier for her to see you at school now."

"But what about Daddy?" he whispers, and my gaze softens.

I lean forward and kiss his head. "I don't know, sweetheart. When someone hurts, they find it hard to forgive, and she may never be with your daddy again. But know this, she'll always love you."

He sniffles, wiping away a few of his tears, before placing his head into my neck. I make eye contact with his Grams again, whose eyes shine with unshed tears.

Shelly can be a hard ass. She lost her her husband to cancer and had to bring Breaker up on her own. She started seeing Doc's dad, Crow, and as far as I can see, they have fallen madly in love, but Doc's sister, Lola, is against the couple.

The fact Shelly is showing emotion right now makes her a bit more human to me.

I hold Noah tightly as I look at the door to church. Phil stands guard proudly, wearing his prospect patch over his old man property cut. He started seeing Cannon a few months ago, but they've both fallen hard and fast, and Cannon is not dragging his feet.

Phil makes eye contact with me and smiles, stating, "The brothers won't let him out until he agrees to stay in the club. We could be here for a while, darling."

I chuckle as Carol, Tech's momma, says, "It's not only the brothers that need to grovel, so they better hurry up."

I give her a small smile as Rose concurs, "All of us ladies do. We treated him like a clubwhore’s son instead of the innocent child he really was. We punished him for his mother's actions."

Emily butts in, "I'm his mother, not that bitch! And if I had known how you women were treating him, then we wouldn't be talking right now!"

The women flinch, and Carol drops her head. Jayden stated she was the worst but couldn't understand why. He didn't know how to read between the lines, but I can. Her old man clearly cheated on her, and Jayden could have been her stepson.

I sigh and look at the door again, willing it to open. I don't like being away from him. If he has a tattoo booked in, then he'd do it at home. If he has to be at the club, I'm with him. Since being taken, I can't stand being away from him. I need him always now. If we're apart, my skin starts to itch. Heck, most days, he's physically inside me, connecting us.

"Vi, are you alright?" Sarah questions, and I shake my head.

I murmur, "My skin feels itchy…."

The women look at me with concern as Noah grips my hand.

"He'll be out soon, sweet girl," Emily says, knowing my signs, but I keep my eyes on the door, waiting.

I can feel my body starting to seize up with panic. This happens every time I'm away from him for too long, and I know it's not healthy, but after losing my family, he became everything.

I need him.

Noah grips my hand tighter and says, "Grams…." causing Shelly to stand up and rush over to me. She kneels and gently cups my cheeks as Liv grips my other hand.

"I need you to breathe for me; he'll be out any moment…."

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