Page 62 of Tats

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He gets in my face, his breath making me want to vomit as he states, "I'll be gone before he even finds out about me, and you'll be fucking dead."

I try not to flinch as I bravely ask, "Yeah, so what are you waiting for, then?"

His nostrils flare before he shocks me. "I'm waiting for you to sign your 100k trust fund into my name, a trust you failed to tell me about, dear niece, and if I hadn't broken into that shitty lawyer's office, I would never have known about it."

I spit in his face, making him smack me. Still, instead of screaming at the pain in my lip, I just laugh and state, "I can't sign it over to you, idiot." His eyes narrow. Still, I continue, "Not only can I not access it until I hit thirty, and news flash, I'm only twenty-five, but if anything does happen to me, it'll go straight to my…husband."

His face reddens before a fist hits my eye, and I scream out in pain.

He shouts, "You will sign it over to me. If you're dead, I can access it sooner. I need that fucking money, bitch. I have the cartel after me!"

I just grunt. "Not fucking happening," I refuse, making him scream in anger, hitting me again. One punch hits my stomach. God, my baby, a baby I know he'll kill if he finds out about it. Another punch hits my throat, causing me to gasp for air.

He turns and storms toward the door as I try to breathe through my pain. As he goes to leave, he turns and points his finger at me and sneers, "I will get that money, and it seems as you've gotten fat, so you won't need any food for the next few days!"

He leaves, slamming the metal door as my tears fall, a pain shooting through my stomach, and fear for my unborn child hitting me hard.

I sob, wishing Jayden would find me, but knowing there's no way he can. I start to move my wrists again, trying to get my hands free. I ignore the pain in my arms. My hope gets higher when I feel the ropes loosen before finally, after what feels like hours when it was probably only about five minutes, my hands slip free of the rope.

I gasp, my tears falling hard.

I try not to celebrate just yet as I gingerly sit up, my body aching. I carefully undo the ropes around my ankles, struggling with the knots because my shaking hands are slick with blood. When I finally get free, I carefully climb off the smelly bed and limp over to the metal door.

I put my hand over my small bump and whisper, "Don't give up yet, baby boy, please…."

My tears fall. I had a scan yesterday, where we were told we were having a boy, and now I could…could….

I shake my head, refusing to think of the worst.

I grab the door and grunt as I try to open it. The thing is flipping heavy and noisy, making me wince.

As I walk through it, trying to be quiet, something hard hits me on the back of my head.


Tats - One Week Later

I pace my living room with frustration. It's been a fucking week, and we still haven't found my girl. Her pickup is toast, which I know she’ll struggle with, Snake shot Colleen in the head, and Tech lost the fucking footage of the accident after Nina “accidentally” knocked her drink all over his computer, fucking up his hard drive.

He didn't have a chance to back the anything up.

The last known location of the old sedan before we lost the footage was only ten fucking minutes outside of town.

She tried to apologize, but the little smirk on her face proved what a fucking bitch she really is, and even Techs momma has stayed away from her since.

The bitch didn't ruin the hard drive because she wants rid of Violet, no. She'd done it because Tech has been trying to speak to Brook, who's been ignoring him since some shit went down a few months ago, shit none of us know about.

Only he, Brook, and Nina know, and I swear, if he cheated on Brook, I'll fucking kill him myself.

Nina is a fucking jealous bitch, who only wants his money. I'd bet my left nut Tech’s momma accidentally told her how much he's earning with the club.

I punch the wooden staircase in frustration as my front door opens. Snake, Breaker, and Sniper walk in with my momma, sister, and dad.

Snake looks around in wonder and rasps, "Fuck me, this place is amazing."

My dad agrees, "Yeah, I was pissed when I first came around and saw the place. He fucking owns a shit ton of land to boot."

I ignore them and continue to pace, my momma's angry voice hitting my ears. "Yet you didn't tell me about it or the fact that our son got married and was expecting a baby!"

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