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Violet - One Month Later

I shake my head at Betty as I leave the sun lounge. She’s yet again causing drama but this time because Flo, our 67-year-old resident, decided to try and kiss Tims.

I feel like I'm on a soap opera around these people.

It's been a month since we sat down with Iron, and Jayden finally opened up, leaving my father-in-law with a broken heart. He reluctantly promised not to say anything to anyone, including his old lady, about us. Still, he stated he's not giving up on a relationship with his son. He's adamant Jayden’s not handing in his patch, that the brothers are his family, and they will make up for their behavior. I just don't know how they can.

I blink as tears fill my eyes, remembering the pain on Iron's face, realizing what he unintentionally put his son through growing up.

Iron struggles to breathe with Jayden's words before his phone rings, and he curses, knowing it's the alarm to pick Scarlett up, who's coming home from college.He points at Jayden with so much emotion that it hurts to see. "This isn't over, Jayden. You're my son, and I do love you. I know I didn't show it, and there's no excuse for my actions in the past. I know I can never make up for them, but I won't give up. I will not lose my son because of my stupid decisions, and you can bet your ass I will fight you when you try to hand in your cut. We fucked up, but we're still your family." He points to my stomach. "And that baby will be so fucking loved and spoiled, I'll ensure it. And if anyone tries to say anything because of who birthed you, I'll fucking kill them, brother or not."

Jayden flinches as his dad shakes his head, and then storms out.


I kiss Jayden's head and follow his dad. As I rush down the stairs to the driveway, I notice he's waiting on his bike, his eyes on the house as he rasps, "You're the one who sent me the text."

I nod. "I am. I saw your message, and unfortunately, you've been blind to how you've treated him, how that woman treated him, and how the brothers treated him. You wouldn't be here now if he'd seen what you said."

He nods. "The phone call Snake received a few years ago?"

I shrug. "I know he loves the club, and I know if you both work on it, you could fix what's broken. I can't persuade him, I won't, but I had hoped to push you and Snake in the right direction without making myself known, knowing Jayden's reluctance about people knowing about me, about us."

Some tears fall from his eyes as he asks, "Why are you helping me, helping the club? You're his wife, why aren't you encouraging him to leave us all behind like he rightfully should?"

I look toward the house and see my husband watching out of the window, pain etching his features. I look at Iron and answer, "Because I lost my family. I know the pain of not having them around, the loneliness. You're his dad, and the club…the second generation is his family. The old timers have a lot of making up to do."

He nods and leans forward, kissing my cheek. "Thank you, sweetheart."

I give him a small smile and rasp, "You can't tell anyone about this place or our relationship. It's up to Jayden and me if we want to do that. His fears are real, and you need to understand that."

He purses his lips. "And I'm guessing he'll make your relationship public around the time his contract ends?" I nod, knowing that's all Jayden is waiting for. He sighs. "Alright, I'll keep quiet. I'll be seeing you soon, Violet. Expect me around a lot."

I smile and nod, replying, "I look forward to it." This made him smile before he started his bike, and then drove off.

I can feel Jayden in the doorway, his eyes on me, as I say, "I think it's time you get ready to see him more."

He hums and replies, "You messaged him?"

I shrug and admit as I turn around, "Anything for the man I love," making him smile.

Since then, Iron has been by the house five days a week. Emily believes he's on club business when, in reality, he's getting to know his son again. Jayden has taken him around the land and shown him the car he’s rebuilding, which he still refuses to let me drive.

Seriously, you crash one classic car, and that's it—even Iron looked at me like I was the fucking Devil!

I shake my head. Every day that passes, the ice around my husband's heart thaws toward his father. He has dinner with us, and they chat; Jayden's even opened up about his drug use and how he went cold turkey, making his father pale. I know it will take much more for him to let his father in fully, but…baby steps.

I smile as I go to the staff room and grab my bag. Jayden is at the shop until late, so I'm driving myself, looking forward to a nice bubble bath, a hot cocoa, and a book. Usually, Jayden drops me off in his truck and picks me up, which I love—not that I'd admit it to him.

I shake my head as my phone goes off, prompting me to grab it quickly, only to furrow my brows when I see it's from an unknown number.

Unknown: Thought you might like to see the man you're sleeping with can't stick to one woman, he prefers spicy over vanilla.

I open the attachment and furrow my brows at the picture, knowing all is not as it seems, our love too strong to fall for this bullshit. I look closer, and anger overtakes me.

This is why Jayden didn't want anyone to know about us, but obviously, someone's been following him. Colleen, the bitch who can't take “no!” for an answer, is in nothing but her underwear, forcing herself on my husband, who looks to be shoving her away, disgust pinching his face.

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