Page 37 of Tats

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Fucking woman!

I lean down, not giving a shit that Gunner and Smokey can hear me, and rasp to her, "I fucking love you, Violet." She lets out a sob, her hand gripping my arm like her life depends on it. "When I get home, you better be in my fucking bed and get ready to start leaning on me, because this shit is not happening again." Her eyes widen like she's about to protest but I rasp, "They were going to drug and rape you."

She flinches, and I shake my head, letting go of her. Gunner walks her out, sending me a concerned look.

Smokey grips my arm and asks, "Three years?"

I nod and reply, "Three fucking years with that amazing girl. We both tried to do casual for the first two, but neither of us fucked anyone else. You already knew about our relationship, Smoke. You helped me burn a fucker she tried to date. He spiked her drink, and I dealt with him. Since then, we’ve been exclusive."

He squeezes his eyes shut but nods. "My lips are sealed." I nod before he adds, "You're not handing in your patch, and you won't be losing your girl. Snake and I are going to make sure of it."

He goes off to help the others grab the girls so they can get checked out while I take several deep breaths, hoping I don't say or do something stupid with my girl later.

I notice a few men shaking in the corner as they try to hide drugs down their pants. I grin, needing to release this anger. They see me immediately and go still while I grin wider. I grab my knife from my boot and walk over to them, their screams easing my pain for what my girl was willing to put herself through for money.

It's time she realized I'm here for always. Come tomorrow, her school will be paid for, and her apartment lease will be broken.


Violet - Two Weeks Later

I lean my head on the back of the couch as I spin my phone around, trying to control the tears that keep falling. I'm at Jayden’s, have been every day since he walked into the sleazy club I regret ever stepping foot in.

He's not allowed me to go home and, honestly, I've not wanted to return to my apartment. I've wanted to talk to him about possibly moving in together, but I'm scared to take that leap, especially now.

As soon as I walked out of the staff room and behind the bar, I felt like I was going to throw up. Men were injecting women against their wishes, holding them down as they cried for help. Several were new to the club that night, and when I tried to leave, one of the men tried to inject me.

He told me to play nice and stay behind the bar, otherwise I'd be on the stage, naked, instead of behind the bar.

Half an hour later after I got behind the bar, terrified and thinking up ways to escape, the MC walked in. The man I love looked at me so coldly I thought he would end things then and there. Instead, he shot the guy who threatened to inject me. He got a brother from another MC to take me to Jayden's house. Gunner told me about how his woman pranked him by putting glitter in his hair, and I told him I wanted to meet her, making him pale. I love a good prank. I told him he wasn't to tell anyone where Jayden lived. I expressed that it was up to Jayden to tell his brothers. He agreed and told me to give Jayden some time to calm down.

Two weeks, and he has yet to say one word to me.

He'll take me to work for my night shifts at the home, and then pick me up. He'll hold me for a few hours before going to work, make my food, and take me to the café for my day shifts, but not one word is spoken. I've tried to speak to him, but he'll just grunt.

I miss him, and now I feel like I'm losing him, and that scares me.

I let out a sob, placing my head on my hand, wishing he'd just shout at me instead of the silent treatment.

My phone rings, and I answer with one question, "Nothing?"

Olivia sighs and rasps, "No, not even a glimpse of recognition, and now I feel like I'm losing him. I can tell he's frustrated whenever I'm around, and why do you sound like you've been crying?"

I smile a little. "It's nothing. What are you up to?"

Olivia is the sweetest person I know, and her daughter, April, is precious. She’ll be five in just over a month. Becoming friends with her is one of those things I'll never regret.

"Don't give me that crap, Violet. I know things are hard for me right now, but I'm still your friend, and I know you've been crying. Now talk," she snaps, and I can't help it; I sob. "Oh God, Violet. That's it, I'm coming over. Give me twenty minutes to wrangle our girl, and I'll be there."

My sobs get harder as I stutter, "I-I'm not at-at-home. I-I'm at-at Jay-Jayden’s."

She's quiet a moment before asking, "Who is Jayden?"

I hiccup, trying to calm down even though I can't breathe, and say, "It's T-tats."

She’s silent until she starts to screech, "I knew it, I fucking knew it. Rose knew it," before April's little voice enters says, "Momma, that's a bad word, I'm telling Gammy."

I snort, I can't help it because that was cute.
