Page 35 of Tats

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That's it.

"What you thinking about?" Vi whispers, breaking the silence, and I smile before kissing her head.

"How much I fucking love you," I reply. I feel her smile against my skin as she traces my tattoos. I sigh and admit, "I'm thinking about the brothers." She nods, moving her finger along my chest, letting me talk. "For years, they treated me like an outsider all because of who my birth mother was. They punished me for being conceived, all the while continuing to fuck her. After Grams went into the home, I was passed around from old lady to old lady. None of them wanted me, and most expressed it. I was barely fed or looked after until Momma came around. It was only then my father suddenly wanted me, but as soon as he knew Momma was his and she was pregnant, I suddenly rarely existed again, unless it had something to do with the club. I've had Snatch in my ear for years, reminding me how unwanted I was, how no one wants me around, and how I owe her, all while forcing me to watch the brothers fuck her. The earliest I can remember is five years old, and the fucking brothers allowed me to see that nasty shit as my punishment for existing."

I shake my head as my girl's breathing quickens, making me hold her tighter.

"There's a lot of hurt over the years, baby, and the only reason why I patched in was because my father told me I owed it to him to carry on his legacy within the club, only to hold me back since patching. Fuck, Shorty, I had to wait another few years to become their enforcer because he saw Snatch talking to me and made shit up in his own head. He's even the reason why I had to give most of my earnings to the club from the tattoo parlor," I finish telling her.

She takes a deep breath, and her finger freezes right where her name is tattooed, and I smile. I don't say anything; I keep quiet and run my fingers through her hair. I've had the tattoo for years, yet she's only just noticed it. I guess that's what happens when you leave before she wakes.

She's quiet for about twenty minutes, tracing over her name continuously. She starts to talk, but instead of focusing on what I admitted, she finally, fucking finally opens up to me, giving me a piece of her I've longed for.

"Momma wasn't actually dead on the scene like the Sheriff thought," I still for a moment in shock before continuing to run my fingers through her hair. "She was brain dead, but my little sister, she was still alive."


I feel tears drop on my chest, but I don't move; too scared she'll stop talking, but she doesn't. "No one knows except for my social worker. They kept Momma on a ventilator for two weeks, hoping my sister would pull through, but her heart stopped beating. They weren't willing to do a C-section." I squeeze my eyes shut, not able to hold back any longer, and squeeze her to me, lifting her up so my lips touch hers as she rasps, "I had to switch off the machine."

I hold her tighter as she sobs, my heart hurting for my girl, who was only fucking seventeen at the time.

She calms down after a little while, and I have to ask, "Baby, your other family…."

I let my words hang as she sniffles. "My Uncle Dexter racked up millions' worth of debt with my father's lawn company. He put it all in my father's name. I had to sell the house, the business, and all their assets to pay it off. My grandparents, everyone, didn't want anything to do with me when they realized they didn't have a cent left to them. The whole family was happy to put me in foster care when they realized there was nothing." My anger boils the more she says. "The only time I hear from Dexter is when I've spent enough money for him to notice. When I rented my apartment, he tried accusing me of keeping some of my parent's fortune when I sold everything to pay off his debts. Honestly, I think he’s racking up more dent. He's been trying to contact me a lot more, questioning my finances."

She sniffles before admitting, "The reason why I work so much is because I've had to pay for my own tuition. The lawyer managed to set aside a small part of the profit from the sale of my dad’s business, but it only covered so much. It's not been easy."

I squeeze her tighter. "Shorty, if you need help?—"

She shakes her head, cutting me off. "No, that's not happening. I love you so much for offering, but no." I sigh at her stubbornness before she adds, "When I hit thirty, I'll inherit $100,000. My parents set up a trust that the debt collectors couldn't touch, and that my family doesn't know about."

I shake my head and hold her tighter, kissing her lips. I rasp, "Thank you for finally letting me in."

She sobs and says, "Thank you for being patient with me. I'm so sorry you were treated that way growing up. They don't deserve you."

I nod and kiss her again, about to slip my hard cock into her wet heat when my phone rings, and I groan in frustration, knowing it's Snake a fucking gain.

He's the biggest cockblock going lately.

Violet laughs and leans down, grabbing my phone, which somehow ended up under her ratty-looking coffee table.

Fuck, the sooner I convince her to move in with me the better, especially now that I know about her money troubles.

Damn, she's barely got anything here except a few clothes.

She passes me my phone, and I sigh, answering it with a grunted, "What?" which makes Snake laugh.

"Again, with another fucking what. So much respect for your prez, Tats." Vi snorts in my neck at his words, making me shake my head, and he hums, clearly hearing my girl. "So, you're seeing someone, huh?" Vi's body shakes against mine and I poke her side, making her giggle a little, trying to be quiet as Snake continues speaking. "Yep, sounds about right. That explains a lot. Look, I know you probably don't want to leave your girl, who I do want to meet, and I don't mean after four months either, fucker, because you're not handing your patch in, I won't let you, and I know where your thoughts are going. The club will not ruin your relationship, I won't let them."

I sigh at his words, hating that he's figured me out.

"I wouldn't have called, but I need my enforcer. There's a shifty club selling cocaine and drugging their employees, and raping their customers. They’re claiming it is Devils and Untamed goods when we don't even fucking dabble in the shit. I fucking need you, brother, because Breaker’s still having some trouble with Noah's acting out."

I grind my teeth as my jaw ticks, fucking hating that kind of shit is going on.

Vi whispers, "Go and kick some ass, Jayden."

Snake concurs, "Yeah, Tats, listen to your girl, who's calling you your given name."
