Page 17 of Tats

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I look around the room and hold my arms out. "If you all think I'm going to turn, why not take my fucking patch?"

They all flinch while my father says, "Because you’re family, son."

I snort and look at him. "Family? Funny, because growing up, all I've been told is that I'm unwanted, is that you all wanted me aborted." The men flinch as my father pales, but I chuckle. "Funny, because growing up, 'Dad', you were nowhere to be seen until you met Momma. You wanted to impress her, so why not show her how much of a family man you are by trying to force your way into your neglected son's life?" His face is now red, but I'm nowhere near done as I get in his face. "I spent the first seven years of my life forced to watch these so-called brothers fuck Snatch. I was traumatized as a kid, and you wonder why I wanted fuck all to do with you. Before Grams went into the home, she was raising me, afterward I was stuck with the old ladies who all saw me as a trap. They saw me as something one of their old men could have had. I’m a fucking burden."

His eyes widen. "Son?—"

I cut him off, finally reaching my boiling point. "No…I have been punished over and fucking over again for being fucking born, and the only reason why I patched into the club to begin with is because you told me it was my birthright, that I had to do because it was the least I could have done, all because you couldn't keep your dick in your pants long enough to see the women in this club were trying to trap a brother." I look around the room. "I only have a few years left on the contract for the tattoo shop, once that's done, I’ll hand in my patch, because this brotherhood is no fucking family to me. I've spent my whole life trying to prove myself, and I'm finally done. The mistake will no longer be a part of this so-called family, so start counting down the days, fuckers, and start figuring out who else can be the enforcer."

They all stiffen as Snake stands with anger radiating off him, but I don't give a shit anymore.

I'm fucking done. I never wanted the patch; I never fucking wanted to be a council member.

I don't know why they all pushed for it when none of them trust me.

I turn and leave the common room, slamming the door behind me before heading to my truck. I can feel several brothers following, but they can fuck off. Most of them allowed a child to watch them fuck as punishment, because I could have been theirs.

I climb into my truck then spin out of my space. Several brothers shout for me to stop, but I ignore them as I drive out of the gate, the prospect not hearing Snake yelling for him to close it in time.

I drive around for a while before I end up outside Vi's apartment complex.

I need her.

With a tick to my jaw, I climb out of my truck and quickly grab the automatic locked door as someone comes out. I head up the four flights of stairs. I get to the gray door and knock loudly.

My nerves are shot, and I need her. I know this will be nothing more than a fling, but I'm hoping I don't lose my friend.

A life without Violet isn't a life at all and, right now, I’m too selfish not to have a little piece of her.

The door swings open, and her eyes widen when she sees me. Her hair is in a messy bun, and she's only wearing a t-shirt dress.

She looks fucking beautiful, and I need her.

She must see the look in my eyes because one minute, she's gaping at me, and the next, she's opening the door wider. I don't think, I just act. I step forward, my hands instantly going to her ass as I lift her up, her legs automatically wrapping around my waist, before my lips meet hers.

This won't go anywhere, but at least I will get a part of her before I can taint her.

I guess I didn't count on how much I would always want and need her with me.


Violet – 24 Years Old

I growl as I rub out my last three answers on the practice test on the human body before banging my head on my desk.

"This sucks!" I snap to myself before grabbing my book, looking over the notes I’d written during class, only to moan because that's what I wrote to begin with on the practice test.

I take a deep breath. "Okay, Violet, you've got this. Stay out of your head. The exam is tomorrow, and you've got this. You've taken the week off work for this. Get. It. Together!"

With the pep talk done because, yeah, talking to yourself is not a sign of mental health issues at all, I shake my head, ridding myself of ridiculous thoughts before getting back to my work. Tats is apparently coming over in a while, so I need to finish this. I told him about my exam, and he said I needed to relax after studying all day. And I know he's right, but his idea of relaxation is not a hot bubble bath or, well, it is, but with the water going everywhere when we're at his place, while at mine we’re normally squished in my tiny shower, but he doesn't mind.

For the past two years, we've been dating casually. When he first brought it up, I was mid panic attack at seeing his tattoo gun right before me; my lips were still tingling from his kiss, which transported me back to when I was seventeen. Everything was perfect, my family was still alive, and my crush was all I could see. Then the fucker got the needle out, scaring me, before shocking the shit out of me with his words. And I can't say I regret taking him up on his offer, even if he's stolen my heart.

When he spoke about still seeing other people and not investing ourselves into the relationship so we can still be close friends when it ends, I was with him. I've slept with four guys in my life, Tats being the first guy, and he's the only one who got me to orgasm. Of the other three, two were relationships that cheated because I was too closed off, and the other was a one-night stand that only lasted five minutes.

No lie.

I was adamant that I wouldn't fall for him, but the problem, I think I’d already fallen before our arrangement began. I remember his pleading eyes that day, the day I got my tattoo…and Tats suggested our casual-ship.
