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The sun blazes overhead as I step out of the airplane and onto the tarmac. It’s been weeks since I’ve been in Albavarre, and after the nonstop partying and soul-draining city hopping in America, I’m finally home.

“Welcome back, Your Highness.” My chauffeur bows as he takes my luggage.

“Thank you, Jorge. It’s good to be back.”

I do my best to muster some enthusiasm, but deep down, I feel empty, like a shell of the man I once was. The endless parties and the parade of women had done nothing to fill the void in my heart.

As we drive through the familiar streets towards the palace, memories of Lily flood my mind. I remember her infectious laughter, her wide-eyed wonder at the beauty of my country, and how she’d insist on stopping at every little cafe to try their pastries.

She loved Albavarre with the same passion that I do, and it’s impossible not to think of her as I pass by these places we’ve shared.

“Everything all right, sir?” Jorge asks, catching my far-off gaze.

“Fine, fine.” I force a smile. “Just lost in thought.”

Indeed, it seems that I can’t escape thoughts of Lily, no matter where I go. Her presence lingers in the air like a sweet perfume, and I find myself wondering what she’s doing now.

Is she thinking of me too? Or has she already moved on, happy to be free of me?

“Your parents are excited for your return,” Jorge says, pulling me back into the present.

“Of course they are.”

I sigh. They won’t be too pleased when they hear that Lily and I are no longer together. Predictably, they’ll want to set me up with one of the women they mentioned before.

And this time, I might just go quietly. I might not put up a fight.

I’m tired of the struggle, tired of fighting so hard for what I want when I’m not even really sure I want that thing at all.

As the palace comes into view, dread rushes through me. I know that soon, I’ll have to face my parents and tell them the truth. The engagement is off — not that it was ever real to begin with. And then there’s the matter of the baby…

With a deep breath, I step out of the car and onto the palace grounds. The familiar scent of the royal gardens fills my nostrils — roses, jasmine, and lavender all blend together in a warm, comforting embrace. Usually, these gardens bring me back to life, but now the vibrant colors of the flowers seem muted, as if they share in my melancholy.

The palace staff greet me with warm smiles and bows as I make my way inside. Even their genuine enthusiasm feels foreign to me now, a stark contrast to the emptiness that has taken root in my chest.

“Hello, everyone. I hope you are well.” I force a smile for their sake. But it doesn’t reach my eyes, and I can tell they sense something is off.

“Your parents are waiting for you in the emerald drawing room,” one of the servants informs me.

Emerald. Just like Lily’s eyes. A lump forms in my throat, but I do my best to ignore it.

Instead of responding, I nod in acknowledgment before making my way down the opulent hallway. My footsteps echo against the marble floors, and I’m struck by just how big and pointless this place is.

Sure, it’s beautiful. But what does that matter when you don’t have anyone to share the beauty with?

As soon as I enter the drawing room, my mother rushes to embrace me, her eyes lighting up with joy.

“Oh, hello darling. How we’ve missed you!” She holds me at arm’s length to look me over.

It’s only been weeks since Lily and I were here, but I suppose that since they're falling head over heels for her, they’ve been quite eager for us to return.

“Mother, Father.” I nod to them both. “Hello.”

“Hello, Felix.” My father regards me with his usual stoic expression, but I can see the concern in his eyes, and I know I won’t be able to keep my secrets from them for much longer.

“Where is Lily?” My mother resumes her seat and pours me a cup of tea.

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