Page 90 of You Have My Hart

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I couldn’t help but feel an unfamiliar flutter in my stomach as he confidently strutted towards me in his perfectly tailored suit. It hugged his frame, accentuating every line and curve in the right places. My eyes traced the elegant lines of his jaw and the way his hair fell in disarray across his forehead. There was an undeniable pull he’d exerted over me, but I couldn’t give in to the temptation.

“Asher, I’m with Joshua.”

“Then stop being with Joshua.” He said with a hint of impatience.

“It’s not that simple.”

“It is.” He said. “I love you, and I’ll abandon all my summer plans to be with you.”

The world seemed to spin around me. He’d give up his tour?

“I won’t let you sacrifice your summer for me.”

He took another step further, the furthest he could move without bumping into me.

“Being with you isn’t a sacrifice.”

I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed. My eyes searched his for a sign of clarity, but I could only find raw emotion. The kind that defied all logic.

“You’re what I want, but I think Josh is what I need. You’re going to tour with the guys for the summer and who knows what will happen.” I said. “Maybe the love of your life is out there waiting for you.”

He gently reached out to take my hands in his and drew me closer. His gaze locked with mine in a silent pledge of sincerity and devotion. The air between us crackled with electricity, sending strikes to my heart.

“She’s not, because she’s standing right in front of me.”

“Asher, please don’t make this harder for me.”

He leaned close. The warmth of his breath tickled my face. With a gentle touch, he pressed his lips to my cheek and sent a rush of tingling through my veins. Our eyes locked, lost in the quiet intimacy of the moment.

“I’ll wait for you, Sawyer Whitlock. However long that takes.”

As he turned to walk away, my heart cried out to chase after him, to throw caution to the wind and go for what I wanted. I don’t know what I want. And so, with a heavy sigh, I remained rooted to my spot, my eyes followed his retreating figure as he disappeared back into the building.

I knew I had a decision to make. Either would have a tumultuous list of consequences, but I couldn’t keep stringing the Hart brothers around any longer. I needed to ignore my overthinking mind and allow my heart to lead me. You know who you want to be with - admit it. My brain told me. I reached into my clutch for my phone and composed two text messages - one to each brother. My finger hovered over the messages before I hit send. I’d made my choice. I just hope I made the right one.

